Chapter 2

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We were on a boat that was stationed in front of Shaw's yacht.

Charles had given me a quick explanation about our mission. Shaw was a mutant with an unknown power who believed that mutants should rule over the earth. We had to stop him or he would risk revealing the existence of mutants to humans.

Charles was trying to read one of the yacht passengers's minds, but after a few seconds, he gave up.

"I've lost Shaw" Charles said.

"Let me try" I said, but just like my brother, I was unable to access their minds.

"They're blocking us, somehow. This has never happened before. I think there's someone like me on that ship" Charles admitted.

"Like you ?" Moira asked.

"A telepath" I explained.

"I'm very sorry, but I don't think I'm going to be much help. You're on your own" Charles said.

We were turned around to walk away, but before we could leave, Charles stopped us.

"There's someone else out there" Charles said.

In the water, a man was lifting a submarine using his mutation. If he didn't get out of the water he would drown.

"Let it go !" Charles screamed at the man.

Charles took off his jacket and jumped in the water.

"Charles !" I screamed.

After a few minutes, Charles was back on our boat, with the man in his arms. The man was extremely tired. Charles had to hold him tightly, or else he would certainly fall.

I took the man from Charles's arms so that he could go dry himself. The man fell slowly to the ground and I helped him lay down. His head fell on my lap as he tried to keep his eyes opened.

"What is your name ?" I asked.

"Erik" He answered.

"Your safe, Erik. We'll get Shaw another time. I swear" I said, calmly.

He gave me a weak smile and his eyes closed slowly.


The next day, Charles, Moira, Raven, Erik and I made it to the CIA facility we were supposed to be at the day prior. We walked in front of the building and an agent gave us a small speech.

"Welcome to my facility. My mission has been to investigate the application of paranormal powers in military defence"

"Or offence" Erik added.

"This guys Shaw or Schmidt, whatever you want to call him, he's working with the Russians. We might need your help to stop him"

"Marvellous. So we are to be the CIA's new mutant division, yes ?" Charles asked.

"Something like that"

Once inside, we were guided to a lab that displayed multiple bombs and various weapons. We were all looking at a miniature airplane that was hanging from the ceiling.

"It's supersonic. The most advanced plane ever built. You should see it in real life. It's incredible" A young looking scientist said.

"Hank these are our new special recruits I was telling you about. This is Hank McCoy. One of our most talented young researchers" The agent said, introducing us.

Charles walked towards him to shake his hand.

"How wonderful, another mutant already here. Why didn't you say ?" Charles asked the agent.

𝐶𝑜𝑝𝑦𝑐𝑎𝑡 (Erik Lehnsherr x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now