Chapter 16

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The night before the wedding, the prince arrived with his family and his queen welcomed them still not knowing they killed her parents. The queen showed them to their rooms and met the prince in the library to talk to him before the wedding the next day.
“I'm excited about our wedding tomorrow my love,” Blossom told the prince
“I am too my queen,” he replied
“You know you can still call me your princess right?”. Blossom said
“Alright, I didn't know if you would be ok with it”
“Of course I am, I will always be your princess”
“Can we sit for a minute? I want to talk to you about something,” Alexander said nervously.
“Alright, is everything ok?” she asked
“Yes, I just feel like I should tell you something before we get married”
They both sat down on a couch. She worried that he might not want to marry her anymore and got very nervous by the thought of it.
“I-I haven’t told you the full truth about the death of your parents,” the prince said quickly.
“What do you mean?” she asked, with a confused look on her face.
“My parents were the ones who hired that man to kill your parents, it was meant to kill you too,” he said, looking down, ashamed that he hadn’t told her yet. He had wanted too, but he was just so worried that she would leave him and then all of their time together would have been for nothing.
“Why-why didn’t you tell me?” she said, with tears in her eyes.
“I didn’t know how you’d react when you heard the news, or if you would even want me anymore,” Alexander had begun crying as well.
“My love I would never leave you for what your parents have done, I know your nothing like them at all, I just wish you told me sooner,” she said, pulling him into a hug, with him returning the embrace.
They sat there for a few minutes, as they got themselves together.
“So is that why there is so much security around here?” Blossom questioned.
“How did you know about that?” the prince asked, shocked that she knew, he had been as discreet and subtle as possible with the precautions he had laid in place, among them being multiple guards who were all waiting in small, secret rooms that were spread throughout the areas where all the wedding events were taking place. They were well equipped, and they were given instructions to break out from their rooms (of which the prince had made sure each had a strength potion in) and kill whatever the threat was with no mercy. He had also made sure all the food was tried multiple times by various people, to ensure it hadn’t been tampered with.
“Darling, I am the queen after all. Did you really think I wouldn’t know about what was happening at my own wedding, besides, its exactly like something you would do,” she replied.
“Oh and don’t think I wouldn’t notice the knife you have hidden in your suit, or the health potions and milk bottles in there either,” she said slyly.
Needless to say the prince was very surprised that she had noticed all of these things, turns out she had a keen eye after all.
“All that was worth seeing the look on your face,” Blossom said with a smirk, “now, I do believe we need to be getting to sleep”.
“Alright my love. I'll see you at the wedding tomorrow,” the prince said smiling as he kissed her goodnight. love you honey, sleep well,” he kissed his princess again.
“I love you too more than you realize and I will forever,” she said, kissing him back.
Both the prince and princess went to their rooms in the castle since they both had to make sure final preparations were ready early the next morning.

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