And then, a sigh

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Mila appeared affected even though she had witnessed what transpired between Ben and Lucio. The confession was painful. To hear him say that he was torn between her and another man, was heart breaking. Not only was it just some man but it was someone who could provide for him and give him a future.

Despite that, Mila gave him a smile. She reached out and hugged him. For what's its worth, they had a great time together.

Ben broke down and hugged her back. He was thankful that she understood why he had to chose Lucio and not her. And he was relieved that she did  not hate him for it.

They left Ben's house and walked back to her aunt's shack. They held each other hands for the last time.

Morning came almost immediately. The shack was bustling with activities. Gerald, her uncle, was home and had brought a freshly butchered chicken. His loud voice came through Mila's room. She heard him boast how he won a bet against a friend through cockfight. They gave him the carcass of losing chicken and a few bucks. Her aunt made a passable soup and she was invited to have some.

They had breakfast together and she helped her aunt tidy the table. Then Mila was sent away because her aunt had laundry due later today.

She went through the market and saw Lia with her mom. Her friend did not see her yet, so she stared from a distance. It looked like Lia's mom was haggling over some hand me down skirts. Mila wondered why they were out buying clothes this early and wondered even more because Lia hated skirts. In the end, the vendor gave them four pairs for a few coins.

They turned and saw Mila. They waved her to come over but Vina, Lia's mom had to go. She left the girls some money and took the skirts with her. Together they found a place and had some breakfast.

While they sat down, her friend then explained their good fortune. A foreign guy came over to her house and had offered her to work at a proper brothel.

Lia went on to say that they would have free food and lodging. The money they will earn will mostly be theirs and the employers will only ask five percent. But they cannot look like they came from the slums. Lia may have some beauty but her mom would have to change. That was why they needed new clothes to fit in with the city prostitutes.

Only Mila was skeptical.

It was common for the city folks come and offer them better income but not everyone got lucky. Often times they would hear on the news how people have been sold overseas and were never seen or heard from again.

She worried for Lia. What if her friend got sold through human trafficking and they won't see each other again?

When Lia heard this, she laughed. She knew what happened to women in this kind of work but she was willing to grab the opportunity that would pull them away from poverty. She offered to bring Mila with them and perhaps she can convinced the recruiter to add one more.

Mila shook her head. There was no use talking to her friend. Lia had made up her mind. So she hugged her friend tight. It might be the last time they see each other.

Vina came back. This time, she was dressed in jeans and a jacket. It was time to go, she said. Behind her were two men who carried their bags while a white van was parked up ahead.

Mila whimpered. This was too soon.

Lia consoled her friend and promised she would visit her whenever she could. Mila looked at her in the eye and knew it was a false promise. But she gave her friend a parting smile.

After the van left, Mila found herself staring outside Theo's shop. Darren should be here in a few moments. So she stood outside and waited.

After seeing Ben go and then Lia this morning, Mila decided she would leave as well. People no longer mattered in this place. Even her aunt did not give her enough attention. Everyone she knew was going somewhere else.

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