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Oikawa hums as he closes the gym's doors. "Free food~ Free food~" he chirps with a seemingly satisfied expression. "Is everybody ready?"

Nobody answers him. The six underclassmen who stayed behind with us are awkwardly looking at the ground. It's almost like they're scared to make any kind of noise. Why are they even here...?

For the last hour and a half, there's been a heavy air surrounding us. It's clear that the rumors about me and Oikawa have reached our teammates as well. They are avoiding our gazes and have barely talked to us at all. It's almost like we're some kind of monsters who will attack them if they dare say something.

Our captain's attempts at easing the tension have all failed. No matter what he did, the discomfort remained. As I am not very good with people, I couldn't help at all. I was only able to stand by and watch.

At least the other third-year duo isn't holding back. "Let's go," Hanamaki says as he stretches his arms above his head. "I'm hungry."

Oikawa takes the lead, still humming. He's trying to sound cheerful and relaxed by doing so. He won't trick me, though. I know he only hums when he's nervous. If he was truly happy, he would be whistling.

Ever since that idiot falsely admitted to the rumor, he's been stressing out. Everywhere we go, malicious whispers follow as all eyes focus on us. There's disgust in their gazes and hate in their words as we pass by.

It doesn't bother me as much. I'm used to getting toxic glances. As the person closest to Oikawa, I've always been the subject of envy. The way I show my affection through violence doesn't make things any better. Jealousy and anger are often strongly mixed in with the feelings people have towards me.

For Oikawa, however, this is new. Sure, most boys don't particularly like him, but he's learned to ignore that. This is the first time that the whole world has given him the cold shoulder instead of kindness. They're acting like he's some lesser being. For somebody who thrives off of love, it's a nightmare.

He's trying his hardest not to show how much it affects him. He wants to be strong. I don't believe for a second that he isn't hurt by this, though. His social image is as vital to him as breathing is. Watching it take damage must be eating away at him.

I find it pretty sad, but he's always been like this. He's a born actor, always pretending like he's fine with things, twisting the truth so naturally. As a captain, it can be a strong point, but he's taking it way too far. His exact thoughts and feelings are always a guessing game, even for me.

Does he even realize that he doesn't have to bottle it all up until he breaks down? He never relies on me, nor does he share anything with me. It's really fucking annoying.

His humming is starting to irritate me as well, so I decide to make him cry instead. I kick the back of his most healthy knee, nearly making him fall to the ground.

Reflexively, he grabs my arm. "Whuh-- Iwa-chan! What'd you do that for?!" he exclaims.

Even though he is trying to stop walking in order to find his balance, I continue. His hold on me makes me drag him along. "Just 'cause," I answer. "You deserved it."

"Why? I didn't do anything!" He pouts.

I shrug. "Maybe."

"Geez, you're so mean, Iwa-chan..." For some reason, he keeps hanging on to me. It makes the stares on our backs heavier.

"And you're tiresome." I try to ignore everybody else and focus on Oikawa instead. "Your thoughts are so loud even I can hear them. I don't want to be infected by your idiocy."

"I'm smarter than you, though! My grades are higher!" The brunet puffs his cheeks. "You should feel blessed if you can hear my thoughts!"

"Even if it means you can't hide anything from me?"

Another Confession // IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now