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The sun breaks through the clouds, showing a colorful sky behind it. Shades of orange, purple and blue mix together as the night transitions into the day. It's been an hour or two since the sun has risen, but the light hasn't warmed up the earth yet.

"Good morniiing~" The person we've all been waiting for announces his arrival with a shrill voice while spinning the gym's only key around one of his fingers. "Thank you for waiting~"

He doesn't get any greetings in return. Nobody wants to waste any time on scolding him, either. They know it's useless, and they want him to open the doors as soon as possible.

I won't let him off the hook so easily, though. "It's not like we had a choice, Stupidkawa. Why the hell are you this late?" We only have an hour of morning practice, and he has wasted one third of it.

No apology leaves his mouth, and no remorse shows on his face. Instead, he smiles at us innocently. "I slept through my alarm! It took some time to get rid of the bags under my eyes, and my hair wasn't cooperating at all... I couldn't leave my house any earlier, I swear! I would've disappointed all of my fans with the way I was looking!"

"So you disappoint us instead?" Matsukawa scoffs. "Good thinking, captain."

"Letting us freeze out here for twenty minutes... That's a sin. How are you going to atone for this?" Hanamaki pouts.

His best friend grins. "I was thinking... Free food for the entire team?"

"Oh! That's a great idea! It's been so long since you treated us to something, Oikawa~" the other agrees.

"No! I can't! That's a very expensive penalty. I'm too broke," the target of their plans turns them down. "Iwa-chan, tell them they're being irrational."

"It's what you get for being late." I join the duo's side instead of his.

His expression turns into one of betrayal as he gasps. "Wha-- Iwa-chan! You're supposed to help me!" he whines. Then, in a much lower volume, he adds something. "You're being mean to me even though you're the reason I overslept. And I tried so hard to look good for you... I really wanted you to tell me I'm pretty, you know?~"

These unnecessary words piss me off. It's not unusual for him to say weird stuff like this, but it's definitely different now that he's aware of my feelings. There's a knowing, suggestive tone in his voice, he's whispering instead of screaming it out loud, and there's lights dancing in his eyes. He would've joked about these things until yesterday, but now he's doing it just to get a reaction out of me.

Fine. If you want it so badly, you'll get one. "I'd rather die, so don't do that again, Shittykawa." I swing an arm around his shoulder and start rubbing my knuckles over his head. Within a second, all of the work he put into his appearance is gone.

"N-no! Stop! Help!" he cries while reaching for our teammates.

Again, they ignore him. They're used to this kind of stuff, and I don't think they feel sorry for him.

"Try not to kill him," Matsukawa sighs as he takes the key from Oikawa's stretched out hands.

Everybody else finally enters the building, leaving me alone with the struggling setter. It kind of gets me nervous. I feel like he'll prey on me. Shouldn't it be the other way around...?

"Iwa-chan!" Oikawa starts swatting at my hands, trying to escape my grasp. "I'm gonna go bald!"

"Good. It'll save you a lot of time in the morning," I scoff. For a second, I increase the pressure. I was planning to release him after that, but the other takes it as a threat. He tries to defend himself by throwing his arms around my waist.

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