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I avoided Oikawa for the remainder of our training session, ignoring all of his taunts and comments. Matsukawa and Hanamaki left me alone on their own accord, granting me some moments of rest. The only time they mentioned my name was when they were discussing what they want to eat this afternoon.

They didn't get the chance to bother me afterwards either. As usual, the four of us got to our desks just as the bell rang. Our schedules don't leave much time between the end of practice and the start of our lessons, so we always split up when we enter the classroom.

Sadly, the peace and quiet I had acquired doesn't last forever. As soon as our lunch break begins, my three friends gather around my desk.

"Iwa-chan~" Oikawa starts leaning on the edge of my table. "Are you feeling like ramen, too?"

"Does it matter?" I sigh. "You're going to drag me there anyways."

"Aww, come on! Don't be like that!" He puffs his cheeks. "Why are you so salty?"

Is he stupid? "I'm mad because I have to pay for your mistakes, Asskawa."

He doesn't look sorry at all. I'm sure he isn't. "Thank you for doing so, Iwa-chan~" he chirps. "How can I ever return this favour?"

"You can start by being less annoying." I take my lunch out of my bag, then point at Matsukawa and Hanamaki. "How about you stay quiet and focus on your phone like them?"

The duo is gaping at Hanamaki's screen, their eyes widened a bit. They proceed to exchange glances before settling their doubtful gazes on us.

"What?" I don't like the expressions they are wearing. It's like they're analyzing things, scanning us, trying to find something. And it's not in a lighthearted or joking way. They seem serious, which they never are.

"Uh, well..." Matsukawa starts awkwardly, then stays silent for a second or two. "Maybe we should discuss this later...?"

My best friend is alarmed as well. They are usually straight-forward and they barely ever shut up. It's not like them to be this secretive and stern. He gets off my table and stands up straight. "Discuss what? What's wrong?"

Again, no real answer is given. "It's kind of personal, so... Do you guys mind taking some time out of our practice later?"

"Yes," I reply quickly. "I've already wasted some time this morning because our idiot captain showed up late. I'd rather use the entire hour this time."

"Is it about you or about us?" Oikawa adds. That's a good question, actually.

"There's a rumor going around about the two of you." Finally, Hanamaki decides to share some details. Not a lot, though, because that's all he says.

A rumor? The lover boy next to me is popular to the point where people try to taint his name nearly every day. Sure, it's unusual for me to be involved as well, but that shouldn't be enough to surprise them like this. We have all gotten used to it, and we normally ignore them.

So why are these two acting so strange...? "Okay? Are you going to tell us what it is, or...?"

"Well, as I said, this is a matter you don't really discuss in public," Matsukawa repeats.

"If it's that bad, we should shut it down as soon as possible, right?" Oikawa is both curious and anxious. I can hear it in his voice.

"Yeah, I agree." It's best to get rid of it. If we don't, Oikawa will be stressing out to the point where he gets sick. His reputation is everything to him, after all.

Once again, the duo exchanges glances. What are they doing? Do they have some kind of telepathic connection when they look at each other? Why don't they just speak up?

Another Confession // IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now