8. songwriting.

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veronica | @/ronniescarlet
everyone's favorite cats <3

veronica | @/ronniescarleteveryone's favorite cats <3

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wilbur soot | @/wilbursoot
i love them both so much.
veronica | @/ronniescarlet
they love you too :)

"taylor. lastnight i could not stop writing lyrics. it was just a constant flow- i just. i have to write another album. i can't not do it" veronica rambles.

"i completely understand. that's how i was with folklore and reputation. i just kept writing and writing." taylor chuckles.

"god. what am i gonna do with myself taylor?" veronica says, putting her head in her hands.

will :)
hey :)

"he just texted me" veronica says.

"respond!" taylor exclaims.

hi will :)

will :)
how are you?

i'm good
i stayed up pretty late last night writing songs

will :)
id love to hear them

ill play one for you next time we go on a date :)

will :)
perfect :)
what are they about?

compared to my other songs
they're definitely more positive

will :)
are they... love songs?

totally didn't take all of my recent emotions and spill them out into my journal 😁

will :)
have you written songs about me?


will :)
you don't need to apologize
i feel very special
and it's cute that i make you feel so happy

oh ok good
i didn't want you to think i was obsessed with you or anything
i just express my emotions through song writing

will :)
yeah i understand
it's your outlet :)

"taylor" veronica says.

"yes?" taylor responds.

"will you help me make my next album?" veronica says with a smile.

"yes. of course i will!!" taylor exclaims. "what do you need? do you want help polishing up lyrics? producing? i can talk to jack or aaron, im sure they'd love to work with you!"

"i'd love to work with jack since you and him are so close, but i don't know if he's gonna be able to help get the sound i want" veronica says.

"what sound do you want?"

"pop-country, like red"

"ok well i know aaron can definitely help with that, and jack can help with the pop sounds. do you want to come to new york with me next week? me and jack are working on my re-recording of red and my new album"

"wait- you're making a new album? like brand new? not a taylor's version?" veronica gasps.

"yeah, i was planning on asking you to help on it. id love to have you work on some songs since you're such a great writer" taylor smiles.

"oh my god i'm so excited!! yes thank you taylor!!" veronica squeals, giving taylor a big hug.

A/N: wow. i finally released a chapter. hope you guys like it! slowly getting my motivation back to actually come up with a plot..... let's hope i can finish this story!! love you and thanks for reading the story 🫶🏻

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