2. introductions and invitations

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a couple days later...

"hello?" veronica spoke softly into the microphone, unsure if she could be heard. "can you hear me?"

"yes i can hear you! can you hear me?" tommy asked her. she was caught off guard by how loud he was, and how thick his accent was.

"i indeed can" she smiles in response, though he couldn't see her.

"alright! hello veronica. i'm tom simons, more widely known as tommyinnit. i'm very glad that you decided to play minecraft with me, i really appreciate it" he said calmly, a lot quieter than before.

"it's a pleasure to play with you tommy! i appreciate the invite" she responded with a sweet smile.

"so i'm currently streaming on twitch, do you know what that is?" he asks her.

"yes i do!" she responds.

"perfect! so join the server whenever you're ready. also, later on my good buddy wilbur soot is going to play with us. he's like a big brother to me. he's also a musician! he's got a band and also has some solo stuff. he's got this real sad album called your city gave me asthma that everyone loves to cry to" tommy rambles.

"oh! that sounds good, i'll have to listen to it sometime, what's the name of his band? i want to write it down so i can check them out" she asks.

"lovejoy, their name is lovejoy" tommy responds.

"lovejoy, nice name" she says, writing down the name on a sticky note.

like 30 minutes later

"hello?" a new voice says as he joined the call. compared to tommy's this man's voice was a lot smoother and more satisfying to listen to.

"wilbur! veronica, this is my good buddy wilbur soot that i was telling you about earlier." tommy says, excited about his friend.

"hi wilbur, it's a pleasure to meet you!" veronica said, a warm smile on her face though the two couldn't see her.

"it's a pleasure to meet you as well, veronica" he says. the sound of his smooth voice saying her name sent chills down her spine. she had only met the man not even a minute ago and she had already fallen for him? for heavens sake, she hasn't even seen his face.

after the stream

"before i go, i'm doing a show in london on friday and im wondering if you guys might want front row seats and vip passes?" veronica says to the two.

"we wouldn't wanna be a burden-" wilbur starts to say, then immediately being cut off by tommy's excitement.

"yes yes yes! veronica, it would be an honor. we would love to go" tommy says, you could pretty much hear his smile.

"awesome! i'll send you guys the details when i get you the ticket. it was fun talking to you guys and i hope we could do this again, bye!" veronica says.

"bye veronica!" tommy exclaims.

"bye veronica" wilbur says, the sound of him saying her name sending chills down her spine once again.

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