3. big sister taylor

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veronica sat there on her bed, contemplating wether or not she wanted to find this wilbur soot character on social media or wait to see his face on friday. she decides to text the one person who seems to know everything about love.

hey taylor!
do you have a moment to chat?

taylor <3
i always have a moment to chat with you veronica!!
do you need to call or just over text?

just over text is alright
to start off, did you see my little conversation on twitter?

taylor <3
with the tommyinnit person? then yes.
did you end up doing the thing?

i did!
and mid way through his friend joined us
wilbur soot
and for the record they're both british
and you know how i feel about british boys

taylor <3
you and me both!
anyways, continue

so i talked to this man for no longer than an hour
and i think im in love with him
and i don't even know what he looks like

taylor <3
have you not looked him up on instagram?

that's the thing
i invited them both to come to my show on friday in london
so i don't know if i should look him up or wait to see him in person

taylor <3
oh wait to see him in person for sure.
if he has a thing for you, he'll most likely find it cute if you react to his looks in a good way
i could look him up if you want and tell you if he's your type

oh taylor you are a genius
yes please

taylor <3
wilbur soot right?


taylor <3
oh he's cute
oh he's perfect
definitely your type vee
no doubt about it
he has amazing style
and glasses, i know how much you love glasses
and fluffy hair, your favorite
and he seems insanely tall

oh my god now i can't wait for friday

taylor <3
you're in for treat, vee

treacherous - wilbur soot x ocWhere stories live. Discover now