6. dinner and plans

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veronicascarlet did a little surprise gig in london and got to meet some amazing people

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veronicascarlet did a little surprise gig in london and got to meet some amazing people. i love you all so so so so soooo much <3 thank you :) (📸 @/wilbursoot)

wilbursoot you did incredible veronica :)
veronicascarlet thank you will <3

tommyinnit thank you for inviting me and will to come! it was absolutely amazing!!
veronicascarlet of course tommy, it was amazing meet you :)

i'm on my way right now! if i collapse into tears when i see you, don't be surprised :)

taylor <3
i won't be, ill probably cry too

will :)
hey veronica! so what do you want to do tomorrow?

hey will! i was thinking we could go to palace pier cafe and get takeout, and then go to my house and watch a movie? i would love to go to the beach or something but paparazzi :/

will :)
it's very understandable, and i'd love that. what time?

i get back from london around 2, so 3ish?

will :)
that works out perfectly!

awesome! i can't wait :)

veronica pulls into the drive away of the large home, presumably taylor's uk house that she shares with joe. she gets out of her car and approaches the door, gently knocking.

"vee!" taylor smiles as soon as she opens the door.

"hi taylor!" veronica responds, immediately hugging taylor.

"i missed you" taylor says as she hugs the brunette.

"i missed you too" veronica says.

"please come in!" taylor insists.

tiny time skip

"so, how are the things with that wilbur soot character?" taylor asks, setting down a tray of tea on the coffee table.

"we're going on a date tomorrow. and i've already planned that we get takeout from a nice cafe and then watch a movie at my place. i want to avoid paparazzi as much as possible" veronica explains.

"very smart, i wish i thought like that when i your age" taylor nods, sitting down next to veronica on the sofa.

"i talked to him about you, he was blown away that taylor swift was like my older sister and that me and you are super close. also the fact that i told you about him" veronica chuckles.

"do you mind if i text him? just a little hello, nothing too special." taylor asks kindly.

"go ahead" veronica says, handing taylor her phone.


will :)

this isn't veronica.
this is actually taylor

will :)
like taylor swift? oh my, it's an honor to even talk to you

it's an honor to talk to you wilbur! i've heard so much about you from vee!

will :)
oh, good things i hope

very good things :)

"alright that's enough, i don't want him to think i'm obsessed with him" veronica says, taking back her phone.

"awww ok" taylor frowns.

alright that's enough
so bye bye to ms. swift

will :)
bye bye ms. swift :(

goodbye wilbur, i hope to meet you one day :)

"you're definitely going to meet him if tomorrow goes well." veronica says.

"maybe you could bring him over and you two could have dinner with me and joe!" taylor suggests.

"oh that'd be lovely!" veronica smiles.

that night

veronica laid there in bed, her mind flooding with will. his laugh, his smile, his eyes. god, his eyes.

i can't stop thinking of him
everything about him has such an effect on me
why am i like this?
i know it's ok to fall in love, but why do i have to fall so hard?
i've known him for two days for christ's sake

taylor <3
oh vee
you have nothing to be ashamed off
this is all normal

i know taylor, but i've never been so in love with someone before.
this is very new

taylor <3
channel it into something, write some songs
that's what i always do

and so that's what veronica did. she grabbed her notebook and wrote down all her current feelings.

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