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Rob's POV
I walked away from the Star Buck's counter. I sat down at a nearby table and sipped my coffee. I'm all alone today. The four guys are with their girlfriends. And Preston said he was busy today. There was some good news yesterday, Michaela is able to move in with Lachlan. Bad news Jerome has a girlfriend. Well, I mean it's a good thing he has a girlfriend, but just not who it is. Lily she is absolutely beautiful. I thought it was love at first sight like what had happened with the other guys. Guess not since Jerome and her are happily in love. Oh, well I guess it wasn't meant to be. I looked around, checking out the girls here. No one caught my eyes. There was a girl that looked like she was ten or something getting a large coffee. What is this generation coming to. Oh well. I was starting to get bored so I took my coffee and left. I'll go do some exploring. I walked around the city. There's a cute little bakery or cafe down by Star Buck's that looked nice. I went around a corner. I crashed into a girl, spilling my coffee all over her. It covered her white shirt.
Rob:"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I pulled some napkins out if my pocket. I started to wipe her shirt to clean it off. I just made it worse.
Girl:"Hey, It's ok. I'll just run home quick so I can change."
Rob:"I'm sorry." I calmed down a little. "Hey how bout I make it up to you and we go into that lovely boutique over there and get you a new outfit." She looked to where I was pointing and looked back at me with wide eyes.
Girl:"Thst place is super expensive! I couldn't ask you to do that!" I laughed.
Rob:"Please, it's the least I can do after the mini disaster I caused." She smiled and laughed.
Girl:"Since you pit it that way, I guess I would be fine with that." I held out my arm and she interlocked her arm with mine. I led her into the shop.
Rob:"Feel free to chose anything you like. And don't look at the price tags!" She laughed again.
Girl:"Fine." I decided to buy some clothes for myself while she was looking. I grabbed a light blue dress shirt, black dress pants, and black dress shoes. I put the items on the counter and tell the cashier to wait to ring them up. I head over to where the girl was. She seemed to be ready but had dropped a pair of sandals.
Rob:"Here let me grab that," I grabbed her sandals,"And this," I took the heap of clothes that she was carrying too. We began walking to the counter. "Hey, what's your name by the way? Mine's Rob."
Girl:"Oh, my name is Layla."
Rob:"That is an absolutely gorgeous name." I smiled at her. She looked away and if I wasn't mistaken she was blushing.
Layla's POV
I looked away blushing. I have never felt this way about anyone before. We reached the counter. He put down the clothes he was kindly buying me on a pile of clothes I was guessing were his. The lady came over. I didn't notice her before because she was sitting there slacking off. Now she was at full attention and was flirting with Rob. For some reason that made me really upset. I-i think I'm falling in love.
Rob's POV
The cashier was obviously flirting with me. For some reason it felt wrong. Especially with Layla right there. I politely nodded and smiled. I didn't know what else I should do. She was about to bag my items.
Rob:"Sorry, would we be able to change into those instead?"
Cashier:"Sure thing. Changing rooms are in the back to your left. You'll need to pay first." I paid and Layla and I went to the back to change. I grabbed my clothes and gave the rest to Layla and we both went into our stalls and changed. I came out and was waiting for a little bit. And I have to say... it was worth the wait. She was wearing a light blue dress that matched my shirt. It went down to about her mid thigh and exemplified her gorgeous figure and legs. The look was complete with gold sandals and a golden necklace. I couldn't help myself my jaw dropped and I was staring. She must have been an angel or maybe I'm dreaming. She looked up at me and was shocked momentarily at my appearance. She blushed when she noticed my reaction to her, the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I cleared my throat.
Rob:"Sorry, it was rude for me to stare." I smiled at her and blushed,"But I have to say, you're the most beautiful being I have ever seen." She started blushing a darker shade of red. I grabbed her hand and kissed it. I couldn't resist. I straightened myself. "Hey are you busy right now or do you need to go do something?" She picked up her phone and looked at it. Her eyes widened.
Layla:"Shoot! She's going to kill me! I need to go right now!" She started heading towards the door. Rob quickly grabbed her hand from behind. She turned around.
Rob:"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked concern in my voice and filling my eyes.
Layla:"I-I'm late. I always visit my grandfather in the hospital every Friday. Visiting hour is over now! My mom is going to be really mad at me when she finds out I didn't visit him!" I reach up to her face and brush back a strand of hair behind her ear.
Rob:"It'll be alright. I will make sure you get to see your grandfather today. Let's go get into my car so we can get there quickly. Ok?" I smiled at her which would hopefully lighten the mood a little.
Layla:"Ok, I'm so sorry I'm putting you through all this trouble." I took her hand and started leading her to where I had parked my car nearby.
Rob:"I'm the one who is sorry. I'm the reason your clothes got covered in coffee and why your late. Please forgive me. I'll try to make it up to you."
Layla:"Ok, let's hurry though." We get into the car and quickly arrive at the hospital. We walked inside and were talking to the lady at the counter.
Lady:"I'm sorry. But visiting hour is over. You'll have to come back tomorrow. " I looked at Layla. She looked so worried.
Rob:(To the lady)"Here I'll be back in a sec" I took Layla's hand again. (To Layla)"Here sit right here and wait." I sat her down in a chair that was away from the counter.
Rob:"Just wait. I'll handle everything. " I walked back to the counter.
Layla's POV
I sat in the chair. I couldn't get comfortable because I was so anxious as to what Rob would do so I could see my grandfather. But I was also worried ab out my mother if Rob failed. I looked over at the counter to see Rob talking to the lady earnestly. As if his life depended on it.
Rob's POV
I went back to talk to the lady.
Lady:"Like I said visiting hour is over and there's nothing I can do to change that." She said as she gave me an annoyed look.
Rob:"Well maybe I can change your mind. She really wants to see her grandfather today. And it's my fault if she doesn't get to." I told her about what happened today. I felt so bad for what I had done.
~After story time~
The lady smiled at me.
Lady:"Fine, I guess you guys can go in to see her grandfather. But boy, don't mess up like that again." I smiled.
Rob:"Thanks." I beckoned Layla over. She looked at me astonished and shocked. (To Layla)"We can go see him!"
Layla:"Oh my gosh! Thank you so much!" She jumped up and hugged me. I was surprised because she unexpectedly grabbed my face and kissed me. I deepened the kiss. The lady cleared her throat behind us.
Lady:"You guys might want to hurry. Unless you want to be kicked out." She smiled at us after we broke apart. Both of us were completely red. We looked at each other then Layla raced d out enough the hall. I trailed after her. I turned around while running.
Rob:"Thank you!"
We ran to the room but before Layla entered I grabbed her wrist and turned her around.
Rob:"Layla I was wondering..." I scratched the back of my head because I was so nervous. "Will you go on a date with me after we see your grandfather?" She smiled.
Layla:"Yes." And with that she turned around again and went into the room. "Hi papa, I'm sorry I'm late today. " she smiled at her grandfather. I walked in. I saw her grandfather she had some tubes going to his nose to help him breathe. He also had some medicinces being pumped into his arms. It was a sad sight, even though I just met him.
Papa:"That's fine Layla, but why are you so late? It's past visiting hour."
Layla:"Oh, some things happened." She looked over at me. I was still standing in the door way. Her grandfather looked over at me, noticing me for the first time.
Papa:"Come over here and sit boy. I won't bite you." He smiled at me. (To Layla)"Is this young man your boyfriend? It would be nice to know your starting to go down the path of love. I would die happy." Layla was blushing furiously.
Layla:"Papa..." I stepped in.
Rob:"Yes, I'm honored to say that I'm dating your granddaughter. " I smiled over at Layla who was still blushing but looked relieved at what I had said. Maybe she had wanted to say we were dating, but didn't know if I would be ok with the idea. We are kind of lying, but I did just ask her out a few moments ago. So it's not a complete lie.
Papa:"I'm happy to hear that. I can already tell you're going to be a good match for Layla. I want to talk to you in private later." He smiled at me.
Rob:"I would be fine with that." I smiled back.
~TIME SKIP basically Layla, Rob, and Papa have been talking for an hour or so.~
Layla and I stood up to leave when we got to the door papa yelled at me. (He let Rob call him papa too.)
Papa:"Rob can you come back in for a moment? Tell Layla to sit and wait." I ushered Layla down the hall and had her sit down. I turned around to talk to papa.
"Come sit down again boy." I took the seat nearest to him, where Layla was sitting before. "Boy, I want you to tell me why you love Layla. It's pretty obvious you guys are both head over heels for each other. But I want to make sure you actually are a good guy. I'm just protecting my little girl." I smiled and blushed at him.
Rob:"Well to be honest we just met each other recently. But it's like I feel complete when ever I look at her or when she's around. I guess the reasons I love her is that she's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen," he kind of scowled at that idea, but I kept going anyway,"She is the kindest and sweetest person I've ever met too." I smiled at myself, "I just developed a feeling that I need to protect and help her in anyway possible. I've never felt this way about anyone before. " I was blushing.
Papa:"That's good to here. I'm glad Layla has someone that loves her like you do. And by the looks of it she is too." He pointed towards the door. Layla was standing in the doorway. Tears were streaming down her face. I got up and approached her.
Rob:"Hey what's wrong?"
Layla:"I've just never had anyone say those things about me." She hugged me,"Thank you, again." I pulled away. I wiped her tears away.
Rob:"No, Thank you." We smiled at each other.
Papa:"Now why don't you love birds leave. I would like to get sleep at some point tonight." He smiled at us abd besides waved. We waved back and left the hospital.
~After they were in Rob's car~
Rob:"So I guess you enjoy eavesdropping? "
She blushed.
Layla:"I was going to ask if I could wait out in the car, but papa asked why you loved me, and I felt bad and was going to step in and help but you handled it pretty well. It seemed you actually meant it, which brought me to tears, instead of acting like you were. That was an amazing performance."
Rob:"I wasn't acting. I meant every word." She gasped.
Layla:"I'm sorry I just assumed. I-i mean we just met today, so u thought it would be crazy to tell you that I was falling in love with you, but then you told my papa we were dating and how much you loved me. I mean you did ask me out, but it still seemed to early to say those three words."
Rob:"Hey, calm down. I couldn't control myself either. I was caught up in the moment. Plus I was really shocked you had kissed me earlier. So I thought it would be safe to say that stuff. But, for some reason it just felt like it was meant to be. So I didn't question it either."
Layla:"I'm glad we're in the same boat. I love you Rob."
Rob:"I love you Layla." I reached my hand over and we held hands while we drived. "Hey would you mind If I stop by my hotel, so I can grab my credit card? I seem to be running out of cash for some reason."
Layla:"I wonder why you would be running out of cash." She said while smiling, "And yes we can go to your hotel to grab a card."
Rob:"I'm probably spent all my money at Star Buck's. Damn you over priced coffee." I said while letting go of Layla's hand momentarily to wave my fist in the air. She laughed at me.
~After they reached the hotel.~
We walked into the hotel. We weren't paying attention wile we walked through the lobby, but the Pack was there. Preston cane over and slung his arm around my shoulders.
Preston:"Hey, Rob a Dob Flob, who's this lovely lady?" He said while one if his eyebrows perked up.
Rob:"Oh, uh, this is Layla." I looked over at Layla to see her reaction when I said this,"My new girlfriend. " She smiled at me. So I guess we're officially boyfriend and girlfriend. The other guys crowded around us. They introduced themselves and we chatted for a little bit. Then Layla and I left and I went to my room and grabbed my card then we got into my car. I knew exactly where to go.
~TIME SKIP after they reached their destination. ~
Layla:"Oh my Gosh Rob, this little cafe looks adorable!" We walked into the cafe I walked by earlier. We ordered our food and talked while eating.
~TIME SKIP after they were done eating.~
We were standing in front of the cafe. I still had my coffee I got from the cafe. It was cold now, but t still tasted really good.
Rob:"Well, that was really fun today."
Layla:"Yeah..." she brushed some of her hair behind her ear because she was nervous. I acted on the moment and kissed her. It was the most passionate kiss I have ever had. We broke apart to catch some air. We both looked down at each others shirts and laughed. I had spilled my coffee on the both of us.
Rob:"Well, it looks like it was a good thing I brought my credit card." She laughed again as I took her hand and led her to the boutique.
---------------------------THE END-----------------------

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