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*Thank you for reading this. This is my first fanfiction. Feel free to leave comments or follow. I'll gladly accept any advice and i'd like to see what you thought.*(I will be choosing random character names for the part of the reader.)

Michaela's POV (reader)

Today was the day. It was finally time for PAX. I'm so excited because I get to meet the whole pack. I'm especially excited to meet Lachlan. I've watched his videos for like forever, so this is basically a dream come true.
As I was walking down to the building where PAX was held, suddenly I heard someone yell "Look out!" He quickly pushed me out if the way of a biker coming down a hill on a collision course straight for me. My hero was lying on top of me, I looked at his face to see who it was...
I almost fainted. My hero was Lachlan. "Are you all right?" He asked me with concern filling his Australian accent.
"Y-yeah, i'm fine." I said looking into his eyes.
"What a relief, I don't know why people have to be so careless, but he almost flattened you."I laughed. He quickly got off of me, then he offered me his hand smiling. I took his hand and he helped me get up.
I kept my hand in his a little bit longer then what I should have. I blushed and quickly removed my hand. Lachlan quickly turn away, and I think unless it was just my imagination, I think he was blushing too.
After he turned away he stooped down and grabbed the poster I was carrying that had unfurled. He looked at it and asked, "So, I take it you're a fan of the Pack?"
I couldn't even respond verbally because I was so taken aback that I had met Lachlan, so I quickly nodded my head.
He smiled again. "What would you think if I let you meet the pack alone without any other fans around?"

Lachlan's POV

What was I saying. Of course she would want to. But why did I say it. Maybe it was because I felt bad for the biking incident. No, I felt bad for tackling her to the ground like that. I'm surprised I didn't hurt her, she seems so fragile and perfect...

Michaela's POV

"O-oh sure. I'd love to. " I beamed up at him.
He responded back, "Cool, if you don't mind could you come to our hotel after PAX?"
"I wouldn't mind at all. "
" I'll meet you here at 8:00, I'll walk you to the hotel so you can meet the other guys. What's your name by the way?"
"My name is Michaela."
"Cool, hey I'm sorry for tackling you earlier."
"No, it's cool, it's probably better than getting flattened. "
Lachlan laughed then he looked down at his watch, "Oh, shoot I've got to go, I'll see you later Michaela." He started running back up the hill to where Pax was. I just stood there awed for a few seconds.

Lachlan's POV
*after getting into the building and going to the pack's panel*

Preston-"Lachlan where were you? You were supposed to be here a few minutes ago."
Lachlan-"I'm sorry, I was helping a girl who almost got hit by a bike."
Vikk-" What happened?"
Lachlan-" There was a bike coming down a hill and it was heading straight for her, so I kinda tackled her to save her."
Mitch-"Cool dood. "
Rob-" What happened to the girl, did you hurt her?"
Lachlan-" She didn't get hurt, but I invited her over to the hotel so she could meet you guys. She seemed like a pretty big fan."
Jerome-"What!!! She'll probably just be like every other fan. Brag, act like a know it all fangirl, and it'll be extremely annoying if she tells our other fans because then we'll need barricades for our hotel room doors. Why did you do that Lachlan?!?!"
The pack looked at Lachlan expectantly.
Lachlan-" Well I felt bad for tackling her out of the blue , and that was what popped into my mind when I was thinking of a way to make it up to her. Plus she didn't seem all that bad." He said while blushing a little.
Preston-"OOOOO Lachlan likes her!!! Lachlan and ... What's her name?"
Lachlan- blushing madly, " Her name is Michaela."
The whole pack except for Lachlan began singing " Lachlan and Michaela sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"
Lachlan-"You guys are so immature!"
They finished up their song. Then we finished making sure that everything was set up for our panels. Then the fans started coming.

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