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Mitch's POV
I walked out of the building where PAX was being held. Today is the last day of PAX. It was nice to see all of fans and the guys again, but I kind of needed some time alone. I see Lachlan and Michaela eating some ice cream at the nearby ice cream parlor. Lachlan was so lucky that he was able to find a girlfriend. Especially one as good as Michaela. She's very nice. I kinda wish that I had met her first so I could've asked her out. But, I am happy for Lachlan too. They seem like they're perfect for each other. I'm jealous of him too of course, I haven't had a girlfriend in a while because I've been focusing completely on Minecraft. I wish someone understood how serious I am about Minecraft. All of the girls I've dated in the past just end up dumping me because I don't seem to pay enough attention to them because I'm so focused on Minecraft. While the majority of my time is with them. I don't think I'll meet a decent girl that will understand me. Lachlan is so lucky because he has a girl that understands him, is kind, and is pretty good-looking, and on top of that it's his first girlfriend. He was even more engrossed in his gaming then me, but he got a decent girl first. It's probably a good thing that Lachlan got the girl first because the Pack and I have been trying to hook him up with girls in the past; but he wasn't interested in any of them. So, we assumed the worse and thought he was gay.I don't think I'll ever understand how women work. Why him over me?!?I was broken out of my deep thoughts because someone bumped into me. I heard their papers go flying, so I knelt down and started grabbing the papers they had dropped. After I had the rest of the papers that were left I looked up to see a beautiful girl looking down at me with a jumble of papers in her hands. She had wavy brown hair and glasses which made her blue eyes stand out even more. She was probably the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.I quickly got up.
Mitch:"Oh, uh, here's the papers you dropped." I handed them to her.
Girl:"Thank you so much and I'm sorry I bumped into you earlier. "
Mitch:"Well, at least I got to help a pretty girl." I blushed. I can't believe I just said that.
Girl:She smiled at me and blushed, "Thanks, I always like being helped by a handsome guy." We both laughed.
Mitch:" Hey, the name's Mitch by the way.
Girl:"I'm Naomi."
Mitch"That is a beautiful name, perfect for a beautiful girl." Seriously I don't know what I'm saying any more! It's like my brain is on autopilot because there's a pretty girl around. I blushed and smiled again.
Naomi: She blushed, "You're too kind," she lightly pushed her hand against my arm. "Hey, I've got to go. It was nice talking to you."
Mitch:"Ok, can I get your number so I can call you later?"
Naomi:"Sure;' she quickly scribbled her number down on a piece of paper and handed it to me. "See ya." She turned and left.

Naomi's POV (reader)
I walked away from Mitch, it was nice to meet a decent guy for once. I grabbed my phone to check the time. Shoot I was running late. I quickly ran into the building. After I got to my destination I set up some of my stuff and waited for my friends. My thoughts drifted back to Mitch. He seems like he's perfect. Maybe I won't be the loner of my group of friends anymore.

Mitch's POV
After Naomi left I headed over to where Lachlan and Michaela were sitting, since it seemed like their date was over considering that all of the other Pack members are over there teasing them.
Preston:"Awww, look at them they're acting all lovey-dovey." He said that in a baby voice. Everyone laughed except Lachlan and Michaela.
Lachlan:"Shut up guys!!!" Blushes were covering their faces.
Jerome:"Look they're matching! Their faces are the same color!" He went over to Michaela and pinched a little bit of her cheek, "It's pretty adorable seeing you all red like that." The Pack members all stared at Jerome. Lachlan was giving him the death glare. He grabbed Jerome's hand, "don't touch my girlfriend like that." Jerome backed away.
Michaela: Michaela removed Lachlan's hand from Jerome's wrist and brought it to his side.She hugged Lachlan to soothe his anger."Hey, Lachlan it's alright. I don't think he meant it as a romantic approach. To me it felt like his was acting like a grandma or something." The Pack members laughed besides Jerome. It helped to calm Lachlan down. Lachlan deepened the embrace.
Lachlan:"I just want to protect you, sweetheart. " He smiled and kissed the top of her head.
Jerome:"Lachlan I'm sorry. I just meant to tease Michaela and you." He rubbed the back of his head because he was nervous.
Lachlan:"It's fine Jerome." He smiled back up at Jerome. Then he and Michaela sat down and began cuddling.
Rob:"Hey Mitch, why'd you get here so late and what's with the smile? You've had the stupidest smile on your face since you got here." He asked and started wiggling his eyebrows. "Want to spill the beans? "
Mitch: I blushed "N-nothing happened. I, uh, just got a little lost is all."
Vikk: Vikk had a knowing look on his face like all of the other Pack members, Michaela was just oblivious and was looking around at everyone and me in turn to find out what was wrong. She just eventually gave up. Vikk smiled,"Ok then I guess there's nothing to worry about. We better get going, we need to go back to PAX soon." I smiled, even though I knew all of the guys are going to confront me about it, but I kept smiling anyway like the best thing in the world had happened to me.
Lachlan: He got up," Alright, Hey, Michaela I'll see you later tonight for dinner." He leaned down and kissed her on the lips.
Michaela:" Bye Lachlan. See you guys later." She waved at us and we all waved back.
~After walking for a little bit~
Preston:"Lachlan, what was up with the sweetheart thing? Also I'm surprised that you and Michaela are opening up to each other so quickly, considering you've begun to cuddle and kiss in public."
Lachlan: Lachlan blushed, "I just feel like we've known each other for forever. And it feels like she completes me."
Complete silence. The rest of the Pack broke out laughing.
Rob:"That's so cliche! "
Jerome:"It feels like she completes me." He said in a baby voice and fluttered his eyelashes. Everyone laughed again.
Lachlan:"It's not funny!"
That just made them laugh even more.
Vikk:"Anyway, Mitch care to explain what happened with you? "
Mitch:"I'm pretty sure you guys have a good guess already. Why don't you take a wack at it."
Preston:Talking really fast, "Oh, oh, oh, I know your were staring off into space, then a pretty girl accidentally bumped into you, which made her papers go flying every where, then you guys knelt down and picked up the papers together, she got up first and you looked up at her and you were awestruck by her beauty, then you guys awkwardly flirted with each other, until she had to leave, then you stared into space again and thought about how pretty she was!"
Mitch:I was shocked, "How did you know that?"
Preston:"I was walking to meet up with you guys and I saw you, so I went to catch up to you, but then I saw that girl walking towards you without paying attention to where she was going. So I'm like 'This is going to be good.' And pulled out my phone and recorded the whole thing. Then when you were staring I walked over there and got there when all the other guys were to crash Lachlan's and Michaela's date!" All the guys were laughing.
Lachlan:Sudden realization sank in for Lachlan, "Wait you guys wanted to crash my date!!!"I'm going to kill all of you!!!" We started running laughing our heads off.
We ran into the PAX building.
Rob:"Guys we better get to our pannel quick, if you still want to go look at all of the other pannels. " we darted to our pannel.
~After they were done working at their pannel. ~
Vikk:"Hey you know those YouTubers, uh, The Phoenix Reign , that's it, they're finally coming out into the public and sharing their identity. I bet, since were YouTubers we could be allowed to go to the front of the line." The guys just looked at each other.
Rob:"Alright, I'm in."
Preston:"Sweet I love those guys!" So we just ended up heading to the location. Vikk was right, we were allowed to be first, they were in a tent with a giant phoenix on it. I went in first. I was completely shocked to find that The Phoenix Reign were not a bunch of dudes, but some girls. The first of which was Naomi.
Naomi:"Hey Mitch." Her friends giggled behind her. I was so shocked I couldn't form any words. Luckily Preston stepped in.
Preston:"Oh my gosh I'm like one of your guys' number one fans besides Mitch of course. But to think that you guys were girls," He made an explosion sound, "Absolutely mind blown."
Naomi:"Thanks, I'm flattered. You know I myself am a pretty big fan of you guys, Mitch I love your Hunger Games. " One of her friends whispered behind their hand to another girl-"And probably everything else about him." They both giggled. Naomi and I blushed a bright red. Does this mean that she likes me! Or is it just something her friends came up with. I hope it was my first thought.
Naomi:"S-shut up guys!" She whispered and kind of yelled to her friends. "Hey would like to have some posters we designed guys?" Trying to cover up her conversation she was having with her friends.
Rob:"Sure, that'd be cool. " As she was walking around the table to get the posters, one of her friends tripped her. Without even thinking I launched myself forward and caught her. As I helped her up and steady herself our faces came really close together. We forgot that our friends were in the room with us so we started to close the distance. Our lips were about to touch then Preston began singing, "Mitch and Naomi sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G. " we instantly broke apart. We were red as tomatoes. Everyone started laughing.
Mitch: I whispered in Naomi's ear,"Can we talk away from them for a sec."
Naomi:"Sure." She led me behind the tent. "What do you need to talk about?" She had her arms crossed over her chest and was looking away, obviously still embarrassed about what happened before.
Mitch: I guess it's as good as a time as any,"Naomi, will you do me the great honor of going out with me for dinner tonight? " she looked at me stunned, probably because it was so out of the blue.
Naomi: Her shocked features softened,"Absolutely!" She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. We then headed back inside. The tent was still full of laughter they hadn't even noticed that we were gone.

Naomi's POV
The Pack left a little while later. The evening just seemed to soar by until it was time for my date. I caught a cab to our hotel so I could quickly change into nicer clothes. I changed into a light blue shirt with black pants, and put in some contacts instead of wearing my glasses. I called another cab and drove to the restaurant I was meeting Mitch at. I saw him out front wearing a blue dress shirt and black pants. It was kind of funny because we didn't plan on matching. He took my hand in the crook of his elbow and led us to our table. He pulled out a seat for me, and pushed me back under the table. He was such a gentleman. We ate and had a lovely conversation.
Mitch:"So, how did you make it sound like you guys were dudes when you recorded.
Naomi:"We altered our mikes so it only registered the low frequencies our voices made, then amplified the sound so it sounded like natural speech. "
Mitch:"impressive. "He moved his head closer to mine. He reached out his hand and wiped off something that was on my face. "There it's gone now." I blushed, because his face was so close to mine. We leaned towards each other again. This time we connected lips. We stayed locked for a few minutes. Then I heard a familiar voice say:" See I told you they got together! " it was Preston and the rest of the Pack." I turned and saw them run out the door. Oh well. I turned back to Mitch. "I love you."
Mitch:"Good I love you too." We locked lips again.

----------------------------THE END-----------------------

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