Chapter Eight

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Barrett starts shooting at it. But the Aeon kept on moving. It was about to hit Barrett, but suddenly, a dagger flew by. Barrett looked at her and smiled. She flew up and threw more daggers at the Aeon. Vincent flew up with fire beneath him and starts to shoot. Freya helped him out.

Freya's POV

I helped out Vincent, I've been throwing daggers. So instead I grabbed my spear and clashed into the Aeon's head. Damn! It's hard as rock. I thought. I saw Cid running through the rails and jumped and stabbed at its head. The Aeon was struggling and it was trying to get Cid out of its head. He was about to hit something, but thank goodness Red XIII caught him. The Aeon roared again. My spear changed into a bow and arrows. Vincent starts to shoot bullets. I shot an arrow. I think that it felt it. Yuffie did a back flip and threw her ninja star weapon. Then she noticed me. "Freya! When did you get here!" She yelled. "Long story!" I yelled back. She smiled.

The Aeon was about to blow something, but then it shift to the left. I saw Barrett was there. Oh no! I was about to move until Cloud got him. "THE HELL YOU BEEN?!" Yelled Barrett. I chuckled. Everyone stopped attacking it. Cloud is going to handle it. I was standing by Yufie, then Tifa came next to me. "You alright?" She asked me. "Yeah." I replied. We all looked up and Cloud flew towards the Aeon.

Cloud's POV

I flew to attack the Aeon. I hit its head. Damn! Its hard as a rock. I thought. I gave all my strenght to hit it, causing the Aeon to fall down. It went back up, it looks like its going to blow up something.

Rufus POV

"This is too fun, sir! Any request for the next act?" Asked Kadaj. I had enough. I got up and pulled out the cloak. I was holding that box, that he's been looking for. He looked at me, surprisingly. "Mother!" He called. "A good son would've

known." I said. And I threw it out of the building. "AGRHHHHHHH!!!!"

Cloud's POV

Looks like I need a boost. I saw everyone got into their position, but I didn't see Freya. I jumped up and grabbed Barrett's hand. He threw me up. "ALLEY-OOP!" I strike its head again but it blocked my attack. I fell back down. Then Cid came and gave me another boost. "Giddyap!" Then Red XIII and Caith came. "THERE YOU GO!" Then Yufie. "UP!" Looks like its getting more energy. So I got my sword ready. Then Vincent jumped and held out his hand. I grabbed it. "FLY!" I'm getting close. Then Tifa. "No giving up!" After Tifa gave me a boost. Freya jumped and I grabbed her hand. We looked at each other then she gave me a kiss, I kissed back. She threw me up. "Believe in yourself!" I went in and this energy is so strong for an Aeon. Then I saw someone. Aerith? I thought. "Ready?" I held her hand. I got ready and sliced the Aeon in half.

Freya's POV

Cloud did it! Until suddenly, I sense that Rufus was in danger. I turned to Tifa and gave a look. She knew what I mean. "Be careful, we'll pick you up." She said. I smiled and nodded. I flew away towards that building. As I got there, I saw Kadaj and a box falling in slow motion. I got on the ground and saw Reno and Rude looked up. "Sir! No!" They said in unison. Kadaj caught the box then looked towards me. I sense that Cloud is on his way. Wow! That quick! I thought. Kadaj and his gang gathered up and fled. Cloud went after them. I looked up and saw the airship. "FREYA!!!" yelled Yuffie. I looked at Reno and Rude. They nodded. I nod back and climbed onto a rope.

I made it to the airship. Yuffie helped me up. The door closed and then Yuffie hugged me. "Freya! I missed you." She said. I giggled. I hugged her back. "Haha, me too." She starts to squeeze me tight. "Yuffie... c-can't... b-breath." "Oh sorry." She let go of me. "Where's my hug?" Asked Barrett. I giggled. I hugged him. "So, where are we going Cid?" I asked as I broke the hug from Barrett. "We're following Cloud." He said. I smiled. "Now, explain yourself young lady." Said Yuffie. "Explain that I disappeared for 3 years?" I asked. Yuffie nodded and said. "And..." she trailed off. "And what?" I asked. Tifa butted in. "Cloud kissed you, didn't he?" I gulped. "I-um-I-" Tifa cut me off. "I'll take that as a yes." She said. I blushed harder than before. About 3 years ago, Freya, you left to Terran city to visit your grandfather. Tifa told us your grandfather passed away." Said Yuffie. I nodded. "We're sorry to hear that." "Its alright. He's in a better place." I said. Yuffie smiled. "So, why didn't you come back?" She asked. "I-I don't know. Even though I'd come back, Cloud would keep asking questions, but the reasons I didn't come back, was because I was training with my masters, back in Terran city." I explained. "So... that explains it... why didn't you tell us?" Asked Tifa. I shrugged. "Maybe because, I didn't want you guys to worry... At least that, I'm back." I said. Yuffie and Tifa nodded. "Hey look! There's Cloud!" Shouted Cid. We all looked at the window. There he is... fighting with Kadaj.

(Before they start fighting)

Cloud's POV

I got off my motorbike and grabbed my sword. And Kadaj was standing there. "Brother! I'm with her at last!" He exclaimed. "So, what's gonna happen now?" I asked. "Mother's going to tell me." He said. "I guess a remnant wouldn't really know." It went silent for a few seconds. "So what if I'm a puppet?" Kadaj starts to power up the materia in his arm. "Once upon a time..." I got myself ready. "You were too!" He missed. I flew up and attack him. He's pretty quick. We clashed our swords together, until Cid's airship came by.

Freya's POV

"Cloud, I brought you materia." Said Yuffie, walking up front. She was about to trip. "HEY! WATCH IT!!" "Yo, Cid! Park this turkey!" Shouted Barrett. "Shut up! You want off? Then jump! Get off my back!" Replied Cid, annoyed. I smirked. "I might as well do that." I said. Everyone turned to me. "You're not going out there!" Exclaimed Yuffie. I didn't say anything. "He can handle this alone... but..." Vincent trailed off. "But what?" Asked Tifa. "But, he might need Freya for back up." He said. I put a face saying that 'care to explain about Kadaj?' Vincent sighed and starts explaining. "Kadaj is a Remnant of Sephiroth. Think of him as some sort of larva form." Yuffie turned around and starts freaking out. "Larva? You mean he's an insect?!" "Lassie, shut your gob." Said Caith Sith. "So the punk's gonna become Sephiroth." Said Cid. Vincent didn't answer. "Vincent, does Cloud know about Kadaj?" Asked Tifa. "One would think." He replied. "Cid! Open the hatch!" I exclaimed. Cid was shocked. "I'm not letting you go out there!" He yelled. He's like an older brother to me. "Come on! I'm 22 years old, I can handle it myself, besides, I need to deal with Kadaj. The first time I met him, he kept looking at me for some reason." Vincent narrowed his eyes. "Tseng told me about Sephiroth's past. Once he had a lover... which she looked like you, Freya." Everyone gasped. "Are you serious?" I asked. He nodded. "Her name was.. Resha Valentine... she was the best swordswoman in town, she met Sephiroth in Tokyo. Then, one day, they both fell in love. They had fun with each other

Until The End (Cloud Strife Love Story)UnderEditingWhere stories live. Discover now