Chapter Twelve

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Months later...

Cloud and I are officially... Mr and Mrs. Strife. I was so glad that he finally proposed. That we did it again, this time we went overboard. My leg is hurting me, everytime I walked, it hurts. Thanks a lot Cloud. I thought. Reno and Tifa were married a week ago. As for Rude... he's still looking for the girl of his dreams. Marlene, Denzel and I were having fun, we were singing, like doing karaoke. "Sing Freya." Demanded Marlene. "Yes, please." Denzel pleaded. I nodded. Marlene and Denzel sat down on the living room floor and listened.

(Song of Melodies of Life)

Marlene and Denzel clapped. "You have a beautiful voice, Freya." Said Denzel. "Thanks. I'm not that good." I replied. "Good? I think you're brilliant." Said Marlene. I smiled.

Few weeks later...

I felt so weird. I smell something very nasty, so I went to the bathroom and puked. Tifa came and helped me out. "You alright, Freya?" I nodded. I puked more. "Freya, how long have you been having this?" Asked Tifa. "I don't know, a week or so." I replied, and then puked. Tifa immediately called the doctor.

The doctor came and said that I was 3 weeks pregnant. "I'm what?" I asked, shocked. "You're pregnant." She said. I was so shocked. "Congratulations Mrs. Strife. I bet Cloud will love to hear the news." The doctor left and Tifa came in and I told her everything. "Congrats Freya." "Thanks, I just can't believe it. I'm going to be a mom." I replied. The door opened. "We're home." Said Reno and Cloud in unison. I came out of the bedroom and ran into Cloud's arms.

"Woah, looks who's all happy." Said Reno. I giggled. "Cloud, I have great news." I said happily. "Well, what's the great news?" He asked. Maybe I should play around with him a little. I thought. I looked down and touched my stomach, softly.! What's wrong?" Asked Cloud. I looked at him with a smile on my face. "Its nothing, its just that... I just can't wait for 9 months." I said. "9 months? What's going to happen in 9 months?" He asked, in a worried tone voice. I bet that Reno knows what's going on. "Come on Cloud, think about it." Said Reno. Cloud thought about it. I raised my eyebrows and looked at him. He smiled and spun me around. "I'm going to be a dad!" He exclaimed. He put me down gently. I giggled. "Took you long enough." I teased. I pecked him on his lips. Reno and Tifa said 'congratulations' to us and left.

9 months later at the hospital

"Tifa! I think my water broke." I said. I start to breathe heavily. Cloud carried me to his motorbike and went to the hospital.

"Alright Mrs. Strife. I need you to push." I nodded and pushed as hard as I can. "Keep pushing!" I pushed. "I see the head. Almost there Mrs. Strife. Just one more push." I did my last push, until I heard a baby crying. "Its a girl!" I breathe heavily and smiled. I was so tired. The nurse handed my beautiful baby girl. "So, what are you going to name her?" I haven't thought about it... I guess its time to think of one. "Recca." I said. They nodded and write something on my files. Then Cloud came in, smiling. "Cloud, meet your daughter.. Recca." I handed Recca to him. Just seeing Cloud holding her, makes me happy. Cloud kissed me and I kissed back. Everyone was in the room and holding Recca. I wish that my parents are here to see their grand daughter, but I know that they're up there in heaven, watching us.

5 years later

I got pregnant again. This time it was a boy. His name... Ryuhei. Recca has grown a lot. She's about 6 and Ryuhei is about 4 years old. My two kids always watch their Dad train. Ryuhei turned around and ran up to me. I hugged him. "Mommy, when can we and Recca train like Dad?" He asked. "Well, you have to wait until your old enough." I said. "Your Dad started training since he was 16 years old." "Then we're going to have to train harder, like you and Dad." He said. It was so cute when Ryuhei smiles. Recca came up too. "Mom, what was Dad like? When he was 16?" I smiled. "Well, your Dad, is brave, he became 1st class SOLDIER. I think that was very brave of him." Recca smiled. "What about you Mom?" Asked Recca. "I left Midgar and started training with my masters in Terran city. I never came back until I completed my training." I replied. "Mom, I was thinking... when I grow up... I want to be like you and Dad." She said. "But the thing is... I want to handle a gun... I want to learn how to shoot. Like Vincent Valentine." She said. "You can, you and Ryuhei can be whatever you want... just don't join the bad side." I said. Recca and Ryuhei nodded. "Time to go home." Said Cloud. He was right behind me. "Race ya!" Said Ryuhei and went off. "Hey! You have a first start." Recca yelled and followed Ryuhei. They left us behind. Cloud and I hold hands together. I looked into his beautiful eyes. "I love you." "I love you too." We kissed passionately. "Come on, Mom and Dad!" Shouted Recca and Ryuhei. Cloud and I broke the kiss and went after them. My life is so perfect, having a wonderful husband, and having two adorable kids. Its just perfect.

16 years later, Recca became a wonderful swordswomen, like the legendary Resha Valentine, but also she wanted to learn how to handle a gun. Recca is now 17 and Ryuhei is 15. Ryuhei wants to be a first class SOLDIER like Cloud, obviously. So, few months, Vincent has been training with Recca and as for Ryuhei, he went to the Shinra building asking Reno for tips.

"I can't believe my baby boy is actually going." I said. "Be careful and concentrate." Said Cloud. "I will Dad." He replied. "Hey bro, when you come back... let's duel together, just for practice." Said Recca. "Deal." They hugged each other. "Ryuhei, don't get hurt or anything." I said. "I won't Mom. Besides, I might surpass Dad and the legendary 1st class SOLDIER, Zack." He said. Yup, Ryuhei knows about Zack, we told him his story about becoming a hero. "We'll see about that." Said Cloud. Ryuhei smiled. "Time to go Ryuhei." Said the SOLDIER manager. He nodded and hugged us for the last time. "Stay safe." I said. "I will

Mom." He replied.

Vincent came by and ask Recca to train with him. Recca accepted it. "Be home by dinner." I said. She nodded and left. "Freya, our kids really grown." Said Cloud. I agree. "They remind us of us... don't you think?" Cloud nodded. My life is just perfect. Hope that Ryuhei is training well and for Recca, she's getting there to surpass the legendary swordswomen, Resha Valentine.


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