Chapter 10

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I can't even go to school now, and it's all because of my leg.

Well, at least I won't have to see Michael for a while. I saw him and his brothers walking this morning. He passed by my house with a longing look in his eyes.

Too bad I won't long for him. I guess he'll have to "sew his oats" with someone else. Hopefully they'll find out about his little game before he does.

I hobbled to my mango tree. I haven't been out here in a few days. I guess I can still lay a blanket down and sit in the shade. Mother bought me a book as a welcome home gift called "Hissy Fit". It's about a girl named Evelyn who apparently has a couple of altercations as she gets closer to her wedding day.

It seems pretty interesting, I guess I'll read while I'm outside.

"Jackie, give me my books!"

Oh my God. I've been reading all day. The boys are on their way home now, so is got to be around 3:50. I'm halfway finished with my book, and so far Evelyn has had her heart broken by her fiance' and called off their wedding. She got into a fight with her ex-fiance's mistress and her ex-mother-in-law. She felt like she's train wreck, so she's getting help from an older woman who has apparently been through the same thing, although Evelyn doesn't know that. Now, she's considering forgiving her fiance' because she "really does love him".

Oh, how stupid can she be?

Mother came and got me from under the tree to have a bath. I continued to read in the bath, and soon got out to eat.

As I got in the bed to sleep, I heard a familiar noise. Almost like a bird.


I refuse to answer him, but still there's a part of me that wants to see what he has to say. There's a part of me that wants to hear his sweet voice and see his smile. There's a part of me that wants more notes from.

I've fallen, and I want him to catch me again.

But on the inside, I know that's not possible.

I woke up the next day to another bird sound.

It's Saturday morning, for God's sake! The Jacksons were up for a good part of the night and morning singing and dancing. The occasion, I don't know, but it must have been really special.

I got up and made myself waffles and sat to eat and finish my book.

I finished my book by about 1:00 and I've got to say, I'm quite appalled. Evelyn actually went to her ex-fiance' and they talked everything out. He explained that even though he was drunk, he was wrong for being with another woman. He was with her because Evelyn worked a lot and his mother didn't want Evelyn to be her daughter-in-law. He wanted to stand up to his mother, but he was afraid, because he loved his mother and Evelyn very much. They cried through his confesion, and soon told each other all of their secrets. He promised to be everything she wanted, if she would take him back. Evelyn quickly jumped up and kissed him, for she missed the love of her life. They ended up having their wedding, and Evelyn and her mother-in-law made amends.

Oh, happy ending.

Could I forgive Michael?

I decided to call Mrs. Kaddy and get her opinion on the subject.

After telling her about my problems, she started to hum a tune I'd never heard before. It was a beautiful melody, but it abruptly ended as she began to speak.

"Soraya, I honestly think that you should ask him why he responded in that manner. Michael is a sweet boy, and I think that his response was not because of what you said, but because of another force. Something else is stopping him Soraya, I know that for a fact. Forget what his father told you. That doesn't even sound like Michael's character! Just ask him, because ignoring him and assuming can only lead to more heartbreak."

She's right. I can't keep ignoring Michael. I've got to get over my stubbornness.

I got my crutches and hobbled out the door to the Jackson's house. My only fear now is that Joseph may answer the door.

I knocked on the door to find a teary-eyed Katherine.

"What's wrong Mrs. Katherine?", I quickly asked.

"Nothing baby. What are you here for?", she asked with a smile.

"I was actually looking for Michael."

She gasped and started to cry.

"What Mrs. Katherine? What's going on?"

"They left for California this morning."

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