Chapter 9

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I felt a sharp pain in my head, and then I felt the blackness envelope me.

"Soraya? SORAYA!"

I can't answer, my tongue feels like jelly.

I smell honey and faint cologne all around me, and strong arms under me.

"What happened? GET HER HELP!"

Who was that?

I heard silence as I was laid on something soft.

Then, I heard singing.

"Smile though your heart is aching,

Smile even though it's breaking..."

Michael's sweet voice. How can he even sing to me when he just broke my heart? He still manages to control my emotions, even when he stomped on them like a dirty little bug.

There goes the sirens...and the gurney.

I can smell the sterile hospital rooms already. The doctor just told my mother that I'm unconscious, and I have a broken leg. All they're doing at this point is waiting on me to wake up...hopefully soon.

I still hear crying. Is that my mom?'s Michael.

He's blubbering like a baby. I can't really understand his sentences.

"...and she's's all my fault...I might not be here...she'll be devastated."

What is he saying?

I can't hear anything anymore. I guess this is what unconsciousness is.

"She should be waking up anytime now.", I heard a man say.


"Come on, I'm tired of hearing you guys.", I finally said.

I finally opened my eyes to see my mom staring wide-eyed at me.


She hugged me, but I was ready to leave that place.

After two hours of briefing from the doctor, I was finally able to come home. But, I have to stop by Michael's house first. I need to know his true feelings.

My mom pulled up to his house and helped me out with my crutches. By the time I got to the door, Mrs. Katherine was already at the door waiting for me, a big smile on her face.

"Hello, Mrs. Kate! Is Michael here?"

He smile faded a bit after my question. Joseph came from another room, a frown forming on his face after he saw me.

"I'll tell her Kate.", he simply said.

He then led me into his study.

"Okay Soraya, we're going to make this really easy. You won't be seeing Michael any more. You see, Michael will soon be leaving to join his brothers for their last few months for being a band together. After that, Michael will be starting his own solo career, and he doesn't need unimportant people like you clouding his vision. He knew that his time here was short-lived, and he was using you to simply sew his oats before he leaves. No more, no less. You were never really important to Michael. You were just a way to have fun."

My tears were flowing by then.

Am I really just an object to Michael? That would explain his sweetness, and how he started to avoid me. I'm so stupid to think that he would actually like me.

How could I be so stupid?!?

I hobbled myself out the front door of the Jackson's house. I looked up to see none other than Michael in the top window. He was looking at the sky, and then looked down to me. He gave me a small smile, like a pity smile.

I looked away before I did something I'd regret. I can't believe him and his deception.

Good riddance, Michael Jackson.

Breathe: A Michael Jackson StoryWhere stories live. Discover now