Chapter 5

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I grabbed a bowl of sliced mango from my kitchen counter.

How peculiar! Mangoes aren't even in season yet!

My room was a mess of clothes and hair scarves. I quickly grabbed my roller skates from my closet as I ate the slices of sweet mango.

As I ran outside, I saw the Jacksons all skating on the smooth pavement. Seeing Michael and Jermaine make effortless spins made me swallow my slice whole.

"Come on Soraya! Put on your skates!", Randy yelled.

"I'll hold your bowl!", Rebbie squealed as she ran to me.

I strapped on my skates, afraid of my own balance. Michael came to help me up.

He could sense my timidness, I could tell.

He squeezed my hand. "It's okay, honeycake. I'll catch you if you fall."

I laughed at his rhyming as we started to skate down Jackson Street. Surprisingly, the more I skated, the easier it became! I only needed a little warming up, that's all.

Soon, Michael and I were skating figure eights in the street, careful not to hit each other. Suddenly, my foot twisted a weird way, and I felt myself falling backwards. I closed my eyes, waiting for impact.

But I never hit the ground.

I felt big, strong hands under me. I opened my eyes to see Michael's big brown eyes looking at me.

"See, I told you I'd catch you.", he said with a smile.

I smiled my own shy smile as Michael helped me push myself up on my feet. Oohs could be heard from all of the Jackson children.

"Kids! Time to come inside!"

I turned around to see Joseph standing at the door, a grumpy look on his face. The Jacksons slowly said their goodbyes as they made their way back to the house.

As Michael brought up the rear, I saw Joseph put his heavy hand on his shoulder.

"Let's talk son.", he said with a grunt.

I heard Michael shiver, a tired sigh, and then the shutting of the door.

Breathe: A Michael Jackson StoryWhere stories live. Discover now