Chapter 6

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"Michael, you've been quiet all day.", I commented as we walked home.

"Huh? Oh, I'm sorry Soraya. I've just been in my thoughts for a while.", he replied.

"You weren't yesterday! What did Joseph talk to you about?", I asked.

"It was nothing Soraya, he just talked about our next shows."

"Okay Michael. Don't think that you can't talk to me about it, because you can."

I heard him gasp, and then I saw him tense up. I looked where he was looking and saw Joseph peeking from their window.

"I have to go Soraya."

He quickly ran away.

I walked to my house and came inside to grab a snack.

Aww man! Rebbie ate my mango yesterday!

"Mom, where did you get the mango from yesterday?", I called up the stairs.

"Look in the yard sweetie!"

"The yard?!", I asked myself.

Sure enough, I go outside and see a wonderful sight...

A mango tree!

It's so many wonders in this house that I haven't discovered yet!

I climbed the tree and took a fruit that was hidden in the leaves. As I sat, I opened my bag to find a note folded into a frog.

"Soraya. I'll catch you again if I have to, but just keep practicing. Much love, Michael."

I bit into the mango and smiled at his note. I guess today's not that bad.

"Psst! Soraya!"

I turn to see Michael looking over his fence.

"Here.", he said quickly.

He gave me a can on a rubber band. I could only giggle at his seriousness.

"We can use this to communicate when we're separated, okay? Just keep this in your tree. When I want you to come out, I'll give this call."

He made a loud bird call. He sounded exactly like a bird!

I could only laugh at Michael. He always makes me laugh.

"Okay Michael. Talk to me now!"

He dropped from his perch on his fence and grabbed his can.

Yep, this is a really good day.

Breathe: A Michael Jackson StoryWhere stories live. Discover now