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Сհα⅊τer ⟆ιϰ

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Сհα⅊τer ⟆ιϰ



After we had finished our food, Jack had done the dishes while I sat and watched him. His shoulders flexed as he reached over to set the plates on the drying rack. I was gaining a crush on him.

It didn't help that he was wearing a tight black tee and blue plaid pajama pants.

I coughed, drawing my attention away from his back, and turned to Henley, who was in the living room.

She must have noticed my intense staring and turned over to me. I mouthed 'Help me' as she just laughed.

"...and done!" Jack exclaimed, wiping his hands off with a towel.

I looked over at him and saw that the counter was splashed with all this water, but at least all the dishes were stacked nicely.

"Don't forget to wipe off the water from the counters," I explained, gesturing over to the soaked counter.

He turned away, embarrassed, and wiped the water off with the rag he used to wash the dishes.


"Yeah?" He turned to me, allowing me to notice how his stomach was soaked from the dirty water.

"Have you done dishes before?"

"Yeah, but it was usually with a dishwasher..."

I shook my head, suppressing a small smile as I walked over to him. I took the rag from his hands and wrung it out before hanging it in the middle sink divider.

"What are you..."

Next, as flustered he was, I was able to pull his shirt slightly towards me, being able to guide it over the sink and wring that out as well. He froze in his spot and just watched me as I took a dry rag and wiped the counter down.

"Go change your shirt, Jack."

He started to lift his shirt before I stopped him, "In the room! The room!"

I ended up nudging him to the bedroom and watched as he closed the door slowly before running off to the bathroom.

"She's gonna hurl!" Merritt chuckled, clapping like a seal.

"No, I'm not! Henley come here please!"


"So.. let me get this straight." Henley tucked her hair behind her ear before continuing, "You like the only hot man in this group?"

I chuckled at the way she stated it but nodded anyway.

"Didn't you just meet him though? Didn't we all just meet almost a week ago?"

I nodded.

"Well, the best advice I can give, for this point until the plan is in placed, is to not say a single word."


"No buts (y.n). I'll exchange everything around so we can share a bed again-"

"No Henley! Merritt will figure out what's going on then!"

She went silent for a minute, fidgeting with a shampoo bottle that she had picked up when we sat down.

"You're right.." she started, "Just... try to be 'normal' around him (y.n), don't let anyone know. Especially Danny."

"Why though? Do you think he won't like me back and everything will be awkward- ohh."

"(Y.n). Promise me you won't mess this up."

It took everything in my power to say "I promise."


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