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Сհα⅊τεʀ ᚫɸιʀ

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Сհα⅊τεʀ ᚫɸιʀ



It took three hours for Jack and me to move all his things into our now shared room and pack up Henley's things. Merritt had the bright idea to room us together but had also claimed that we could not be near one of the others until we get better, or see a doctor.

Our way of communicating with the other three was either shouting through the door or sliding notes back and forward.

Danny had declared, as we moved around the room, that even though we are sick we should still help plan out our moves. We had a little less than a year to perfect everything and to think ahead of the cops.

"So the first thing we should pan is our live performances, ones big and strong enough to get us well known." I wrote on a scrap of paper, reading along so Jack could be involved with this note process.

I slipped it under the door, pulling my hand away when someone on the other side snatched it.

We went back and forward with this until Jack became fed up and took the paper from me.

"This is out of hand." He told me, grabbing the pen I was using, "We aren't deadly sick so why should we act like it?"

I sighed but nodded anyway, silently agreeing with him.

He put the paper against the wall and scribbled on a blank section, showing me what it said before he slid it under the door.

'Why do we have to be locked up in this room. One of you could have it too but could be hiding it well. It's not like we are turning into zombies and will eventually kill you.'

'You never know.' Was written back in sloppy handwriting. Probably Danny's if my guessing was anywhere good.

I groaned and stood off the floor, dragging my feet over to the bed so I could sleep and rid of this migraine. It was getting late and the sun was setting outside our small window above the bed.

"I'll sleep on the floor," Jack claimed, grabbing a pillow and dropping it on the floor.

I groaned, "Jack just sleep on the bed, there is enough room for both of us and we can each use our own blankets. It's not like we can get any sicker."

He paused, "I did not think of that."

I watched as Jack set his pillow on top of the bed, he grabbed his blanket and settled into the bed next to me.

I situated myself so I was in my blanket like a cocoon, with some of it so it could act as a hood above my head. I sighed to myself as I got comfy and opened my eyes to see Jack staring at me.

"You're being creepy," I claimed, grinning as he pretended to look elsewhere.

"Sorry, I'm not trying to."

"No, It's fine." I paused, "A bit weird, but fine."

He scrunched his face, "How is it weird to you?"

"Well, we are sharing a bed.. and just met about a few days ago." I claimed, licking my lips to continue, "And we have to stay cooped up in here like wild animals, helping plan everything out when Danny claims that he's the 'leader.'"

Jack chuckled, "I see."

At this point, it became comfortably quiet. Since the window was open a crack, we could hear the wind rustling in the trees. I listened closely to his breathing, closing my eyes to focus.

'This is peaceful' I thought, curling up into a ball and pushing my face deeper into the blankets to hide my grin.


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