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Chapter 10: Return

((Third Person, Max POV))

At first, nothing happened. Max frowned as her eyes faded into an indigo blue. What happened? Why isn't it working? She thought. She looked at Falion who didn't look worried at all. "Falion..."

"Just wait." Was all he said.

Max looked back at her brother. Then suddenly, a bright yellow light erupted from Jax's chest. Max gasped and covered her eyes from the harsh rays. When the light faded, Max looked back at the body of her brother. He was still for a moment, before he gasped. He lurched up, gripping his chest. He scanned the area before he seemed to realize he couldn't see out his left eye. "M-Max?" He asked as his eye landed on his little sister. His words were slurred. "Max, what happened?" He attempted to stand up but stumbled. 

Max reached out and caught her brother, supporting his weight. "Hey hey, careful. I'll explain everything but first let's get you cleaned up." She said, looking her brother up and down. His skin was still charred and covered in ash. His eye was burned closed and half his mouth was burned together, every time he talked, you could see the parts of lips that are melted together. Max's eyes turned a dark blue at the sight. "Come on, let's get you into the cellar. We'll get you cleaned up there." Jax nodded in agreement. Max looked back at Falion, "Thank you Falion."

Falion nodded, "Of course my thane. I'll be back at Morthal, should you need anything." He left.

Max led Jax into the house. "Adria, can you go into the guest room and get Jax some clothes?"

"Of course." Adria ran into the spare room.

"Jay, can you go get me some towels?" She asked, "They're upstairs in the top drawer."

He nodded and ran upstairs. Max led Jax downstairs, where she filled a large wooden tub full of cold water. "Do you need help?" Max asked.

"I might." Jax admitted with a sheepish smile.

Max laughed, "Okay."

Jax got undressed and got into the tub, and let Max use a washcloth to wash off all the ash and char off his dark skin. He looked down at his arm, "What happened?" He asked.

"You... You died." Max responded, not looking up at him.

"Again?" He joked, trying to make his sister smile.

"It's not funny. You... were burned to death. That's why half your body is burned. Why you can't see, or speak right." Max looked up at her older brother, and gently started dabbed his cheek with the cloth. "You were actually dead. For real this time." She responded, her eyes turning dark blue.

"How am I here?" He asked.

"Falion taught Adria, Jay and me a spell. Called Half Life. It brings you back... but only temporarily. I don't know how long, I just know it last as long as the Gods want you to live." Max said quietly as she washed off the chat from his eye. His golden tattoo that matched Max's gleamed against the torch lights. They never knew where they came from but they know that it's important.

"How long do you think I'll be here?" He asked.

"I don't know... long enough to help us I hope." Max answered quietly.

"Gods be damned, if you need me, I'll be here." He said firmly.

Max gave him a weak smile. "Thank you Jax, but I don't know..."

Jax reaches out and placed a hand on the back of Max's neck, before resting his forehead against hers, "I promise Max, I'll be here."

She smiled, "Okay." Max sighed, "Let's get you dressed, we need to get moving soon." She said, standing up.

Jax stood up as well, then walked over and got dressed in his clothes, before slipping into his champion steal armor. "Where are we headed?" He asked as he walked over to Max, he had a small limp but nothing that wouldn't be fixed with a quick healing spell.


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