Furry Friends

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((Max's POV))

We arrived at Whiterun quickly, but frankly not quick enough for me.

"Come on. We're almost there." I said as we made our way towards the Cloud District.

"Max slow down. Jay is having a hard time here." Jax said, his voice slightly muffled by his helmet.

"I-I'm fine." Jay panted.

I paused and looked back for a moment. Jay was huffing like an animal from all the running and walking I pushed us through.

I shook my head and turned back forward, pushing forward, "We're almost there Jay, then you can rest." I said as we approached Jorrvaskr. I pushed open the doors and almost instantaneously, Aela was there.

"Max?" She asked, almost surprised to see me. Not a trait the fiery red wolf showed often.

I gave her a small smile, "Hi Aela."

She didn't smile back, but she did walk up and give me a tight and frankly, much needed hug.

"By the Nine where have you been? It's been so long." She said, pulling back and patting my shoulders.

"I got busy with something. Actually I'm here because of that something. I need your guys's help. Specifically the Circle's help." I said.

"With what?" She asked, giving me a cautious look.

"A... Vampire situation. I'd like to explain to all of you." I said quietly as to not draw attention from the Whelps.

She hesitated, then nodded, "Come, Vilkas and Farkas are in the chambers." She said, leading the way.

We followed, Jax staying close behind me in my right, Jay on my left. Aela slowed down to my pace and looked back at Jax before whispering so quietly that even I had a hard time hearing her, "He's a vampire... what's he doing with you?"

"He's with me. He's my brother." I said just as quietly.

"You guys are terrible whisperers." Jax snickered, causing Aela to throw him a glare.

"Stop it you two, we came here for help not an argument." I said sternly.

Aela glared at him a moment longer before sighing and turning away as we continued walking.

I sighed, "Aela, he isn't dangerous. Not to you at least. He's just here to help."

"You can believe that Max, but forgive me if I'm a little cautious around a leech." She said.

I sighed as we walked into the chambers were Farkas and Vilkas lounged. The two men look over at us, and immediately Farkas smiled widely at me.

"Max! Long time no see." Said the large man as he stood up and gave me a hug.

I smiled and hugged him back, "Hey big guy."

We pulled back and smiled at each other, however both our smiles faltered when he glared at Jax and Vilkas unsheathed his sword.

"What are you doing here leech." Vilkas demanded of Jax.

I moved between them immediately, "Wait. He's my brother don't hurt him."

"Your brother? Impossible. You must be compelled." Vilkas said, hatred burning in his eyes.

"Vilkas I'm a pureblood I can't be compelled by a lower class Vampire like Jax." I said with a sigh, resting my head in my hand.

Jax grumbled quietly, "Lower class vampire. I'll show you lower class."

Vilkas glared at Jax still, ignoring me.

"Please boys, I came here to talk." I said.

Aela stepped in, "Stand down, Max came here for our help. If this man is who she says... then we should trust her." She said, throwing me a trusting look.

The two men glared at Jax a moment longer before Vilkas finally sheathed his weapon.

"Thank you guys... I promise I'd never bring him here if it weren't important." I said.

Aela moved to stand on Vilkas's left, and Farkus on his right. "You said you had a 'vampire situation'. Are you going to elaborate?" Aela asked.

"Yes. So, a few months ago, maybe 3 or 4, I joined the Dawnguard."

"The vampire hunters?" Vilkas asked.

I nodded, "Yes, I'm aware of how that sounds considering I just defended one... but there's more." I quickly gave them the rundown of my adventures, and the vampire menace.

"So, let me get this straight..." Vilkas started, "You, a werewolf and a vampire hunter, spared a pure blooded vampire princess, who was one of the pieces to the puzzle her father needed to block out the sun... and now she's captured. And you, the only one who knows the location of this... sacred weapon, need to find her? And you want our help?"

I nodded, "Yes. You guys are the best trackers I know. You guys will seriously help so much. I already have the Dawnguard's help... I need you guys." I said.

They all looked at each other, before Aela nodded, "I'll help, even if they don't." She said, coming to stand next to me.

Farkus looked at his twin, uncertain. Vilkas looked unhappy, but nonetheless stood up. "Fine. But if your Brotherhood gets out of hand, I will put them down myself." He glowered.

"I know." I said with a nod.

The twins walked over and stood in front of me.

"What do you need from us?" Aela asked.

"I have three large patrols of Dawnguard soldiers on the coast of Solitude, the coast of Windhelm, and Morthal. Aela, I want you with the Solitude patrol. Farkus, I want you at Morthal, and Vilkas I need you at Windhelm." I said.

Vilkas and Farkus nodded before heading off. Aela stayed for a moment, turning to me.

"We'll find her Max..." she started, placing a hand on my shoulder, "The boys may not see it, but I can. You care deeply for this vampire. I don't understand it, but... if she means something to you, we'll find her."

I placed my hand on hers, "Thank you, Shield Sister. Now go, we can't waste anymore time." I said.

She nodded, before running off after the twins.

I sighed, "Now... time for my dysfunctional family..." I looked behind me at Jax and Jay, "Ready to see my day job?"

Under the Light of the Crimson Moon (A Skyrim Fanfic; Unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now