Deludes of a Madman

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((Max's POV))

Where am I...? I thought groggily. I opened my eyes slightly. It's warm here... I though, a small smile forming on my lips as I floated through what felt like water.

It was weird. It felt like water but I could breath. I looked around, and saw a soft light.

Hmm what's that? I thought and started drifting towards it.

I reached out to touch it, but I was yanked back slightly as I vaguely heard a voice.

"Max..." it said.

Huh... why can't I... I tried to touch the light again.

However I was again yanked back as I heard the voice more clearly.


"What..." I muttered confused

"Max! Wake up!" It shouted, getting louder.

"Wake up..? Jax?" I asked.

"Maxine!" It shouted.

Suddenly I was yanked out of wherever I was. I gasped loudly as pain shot through every inch of my body as I cried out, now feeling the water my body laid in as I realized I was in the grove.

"Max! Oh thank the gods you're alive." Jax sighed in relief.

I panted as I gritted my teeth against the pain, tears forceful streaming down my face. "J-Jax... h-h-he took her..." I muttered through my teeth.

"Oh gods... come on let's get you back..." he said as he picked me up, causing me to cry out slightly as I felt every broken bone in my body shift and move.

Jax looked at me concerned before he used his vampire speed to run out of the grove.


"Ah!" I cried as Jax reset my bones.


"T-this is a w-waste of time... h-he has Serana." I said through clenched teeth.

"I know Max. But you can't do anything for her. Especially now. Even with your Werewolf healing you're going to be stuck in bed for at least two to three weeks." Jax said.

"T-three weeks?" I asked trying to turn over only to groan in pain.

"Stop. Stay still, all your bones are reset but I need to get you a healing potion. I'll be right back." He said before running off.

I glared after him before using the little bit of my magica I had to cast quick heal on myself. Instantly I felt a few of the bones in my back come back together and any ruptures I had heal. I sighed in relief as a lot of the pain disappeared as Jax ran in with a pink clay bottle.

He poured it into an empty goblet, "Here, can you sit up?" He asked.

I nodded and pushed myself up a little, groaning as my body protested.

Jax stared at me, "Healing spell?"

I nodded, but took the goblet still, "Still in pain though..." I muttered and drank the potion.

Instantly the bruises and anything else healed almost completely. The only thing that remained was the soreness. I sighed quietly and put the goblet down.

"I don't have three weeks Jax. I'm going tonight back to the grove." I said.

"Max no, you're going to get yourself killed." Jax said as Jay poked his head in.

"Just checking in. You look much better already." Jay said.

"Were you with Jax?" I asked.

He nodded, "You looked bad, could've sworn you were dead."

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