Chapter 14

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[The days became weeks and the weeks became a month. All the new troops were fully trained and the ones that were already trained became better. Mulan and Shang had been invited to Ariel's and Eric's wedding and because everyone was already trained, they left Ling, Yao, and Chien-Po in charge. They came back from Seahaven, Italy a week later and nothing major had happened. That same night, the Mongols decided to start attacking other villages, and Mulang's army had been called up to action. They were to leave that very next dawn and this war felt as if it wasn't going to be over as fast as the last one against the Huns]
{With Shang}
(He was sitting on a rock and Mulan came up to him)
Mulan: Hey
Shang: Hi
Mulan: What's with the face?
Shang: What face?
Mulan: That one, just like you know me, I know you, you can't hide anything from me
(Shang sighs)
Shang: I just want all this to be over, you know? I want peace, no more wars, no more fights, no more deaths, no more casualties
Mulan: Me too, at least we got a moment of relaxation when we went to Ari's wedding
Shang: Yeah, I guess so
(Mulan sat beside him and put her arm through his)
Shang: I thought that by now, we'd be married
Mulan: I feel the same way, I'm so ready to be married to you
***Full Credit goes to the artist***

 They were to leave that very next dawn and this war felt as if it wasn't going to be over as fast as the last one against the Huns]{With Shang}(He was sitting on a rock and Mulan came up to him)Mulan: HeyShang: HiMulan: What's with the face?Shang...

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Shang: So am I
[He pulled away from her, sat her on his lap, and kissed her temple. Mulan nuzzled her head in the crook of his neck and he wrapped his arms around her]
Shang: Your hair is getting long again
Mulan: I know
Shang: Are you going to cut it again?
Mulan: I don't think so, as much as I love my short hair, I also love my long hair and I miss it
Shang: Well, I think you look beautiful in both
Mulan: Thank you, we should get to bed, tomorrow we have a long day ahead of us
Shang: Yeah, you're right, let's go
[Mulan was about to slide off from Shang's lap but he places his arm under her legs and his other arm around her back and stands up carrying Mulan bridal style. She squeals and wraps her arms around his neck then giggles. Shang and her kiss softly and they walk back down to their tent]
[At dawn, Mulan and Shang have a last talk with all of their soldiers. Afterwards, everyone leaves the campsite and heads to the battlefield. The battlefield turns out to be where the old burned village used to be, but the Mongols attacked them first and they had to take cover. Mulang's army started shooting their cannons at them and didn't stop until half of the cannons were gone. By then, they had taken down many Mongols but the Mongolian army was still large. This time, there were no mountains and no snow, they had to get close and personal to fight, and so they hatched a plan and both armies met in the middle and the battle continued. Every man from Mulang's army fought like ten Mongols and the battle raged on for days. Some men from Mulang's army did die but mostly it was more Mongolian soldiers. The battle lasted for two weeks and two days and by then it was July 16th. The war finished when there weren't any more cannons and when there were only ten Mongols left that were swinging the white flag. Shang, Mulan, and the others shackled the prisoners' wrists and the army marched to the Imperial City. Once, they got locked up with the other criminals, the Chinese army went back and took the fallen soldiers' bodies and laid them to rest in the public cemetery. It took an entire week and the date was now July 25th. All the soldiers went back home with medals and were recognized as heroes once again]
{With Mulang}
[The emperor had offered them a ride home in the carriage. Their horses led the carriage and they fell asleep all the way to Shang's home. When they got to his home, Shang packed a few clothes and got back into the carriage. They then went to Mulan's home and, again, fell asleep the entire way. When they arrived, everyone clapped and cheered for them and Mulan's family received them with hugs. They released their horses and got inside the house. After all the other animals greeted them, Mulan and Shang went into her bedroom to get some rest. Mulan's family noticed this but didn't say anything to them about it. They slept in each other's arms the rest of the entire morning and afternoon, they woke up for dinner, each one took a bath, and then they went back to sleep. This went on for two weeks and by then it was August eighth. A new day had arrived and Mulan and Shang were finally well-rested after the long battle that had just ended]
{In the living room}
(Mulan and Shang had breakfast with the family)
Zhou: Now that you two are well-rested, we need to talk
Mulan: About what, Baba?
Zhou: Well, we noticed that you two are sharing a bedroom and we noticed that you didn't take your tent with you when you went into training this time
Li: Zhou
Zhou: What? I just want them to tell me the truth
Shang: S-sir, I assure you that what you're thinking hasn't happened between us yet
Mulan: It's true, Baba, Shang, and I haven't had sex, we haven't slept with each other
Shang: We've only shared a bed these past two weeks and we only shared a tent during training and the war
Mulan: And even if we had, why would that be a problem? We're in love and we're going to get married. Who cares if it's not the proper thing?
Grandmother Fa: She makes a good point
Li: It wouldn't be a problem at all, sweetheart
Zhou: Yes, I just wanted to know if something did happen and even if it had, we wouldn't have a problem with it because we know that you two love each other
Grandmother Fa: When are you thinking about getting married?
Mulan: Now that the war is over and we've succeeded, we want to get married as soon as possible
Shang: Yeah, we both don't want to wait anymore, maybe two weeks from now
Li: Ok, that's actually a good period of time, when would be a good date?
Mulan: The first Saturday after the fourteen days
Shang: Yeah, the twenty-seventh
Zhou: Ok, do you have everything chosen out?
Mulan: Yeah, we planned everything before leaving
Grandmother Fa: Good, now we just gotta buy everything and start preparing everything
Li: We are very happy for the both of you and we can't wait for you to become a part of our family, Shang
(Mulan nuzzled into Shang and he put his arm around her waist)
Shang: Thank you, ma'am, that means a lot
Zhou: Since everything is ready, why don't we start buying everything. Let's go to the market, I need to get out of this house
[Everyone laughed and went to the market to start buying everything. Mulan's father would be paying for half of the invitations, the stationery, wedding programs, flowers, had of the décor, and the wedding cake. Shang would be paying for the other half of the invitations, the food, drinks, the other half of the décor, Mulan's bouquet, boutonnieres, and corsages. Shang also bought Mulan's wedding band while Mulan bought his band, and the only thing they were still missing was Mulan's wedding dress, but by then it was almost dinner time. The family came back to the house and had dinner together as always]

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