Chapter 4

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The next day
[Mulan wakes up early at five am as always and she gets ready. Everyone has breakfast, finishes getting ready, and then they go back to their tents. They pack the rest of their things alongside their tent, join Shang at the gates, Mulan is entrusted with the cannons in a big cart tied to Khan, and then they all head off at 6:30 in the morning]
{With the soldiers}
[They march to their destination for six and a half hours straight with no break. It was around 12:30 in the afternoon when Shang declared a break to get some lunch and a bit of rest]
{With Mulan}
(Shang was sitting across from her)
Shang: I appreciate what you said to me back at camp last night, I didn't really thank you properly
Mulan: Don't worry about it, Captain Li, what I said is true, Chi-Fu doesn't know what he's talking about. You're an excellent captain and we're more than capable of facing what lies ahead of us
Shang: Thank you, I know all of you are more than ready, I have confidence in all of you
Mulan: I'm glad to hear it
Shang: So, I never did ask, but how old are you? You look to be pretty young compared to everyone else here
Mulan: I'm sixteen, I turned sixteen on February 18th
Shang: Huh? You really are young
Mulan: I know, how about you, sir?
Shang: I turned twenty-two on January 19th, do you have any siblings?
Mulan: Uh, twin sister, and you?
Shang: Only child
Mulan: Hmm, any friends?
Shang: Yeah, because my father is the general, I've made some pretty good friends. My best friend is Prince Phillip from the kingdom of Windhaven in France. I'm also good friends with Prince Henri from the kingdom of Autumnhaven, France, Prince Eric from Seahaven, Italy, Prince Ferdinand from Doveberg, Germany, and Captain John Smith from England. How about you? Any friends outside of the army? I noticed that Ling, Yao, Chien-Po, and you have become close
Mulan: Yes, we've become best friends, we've patched things up, but outside the army in my village, I don't have any friends. I have two girl best friends in America. They're from New Orleans, Louisiana
Shang: Girl best friends?
(His eyebrow raised)
Mulan: Hey, you know, it's possible to be just friends with girls and for it not to be a romantic relationship
Shang: Alright, fine, good point
Mulan: We've been best friends since I was five, they're like my sisters
Shang: Are they your age?
Mulan: No, they're nineteen, other than them, my horse and my dog are my best friends
Shang: Animals can be great companions, I should know, Bai is one of my most trusted companions
Mulan: Do you live in a village or the city?
Shang: I live in the village with my father
Mulan: And your mom?
Shang: She uh, she died when I was twelve
Mulan: Oh, captain, I'm sorry, I didn't know
Shang: It's alright, how could you
Mulan: If you don't mind me asking, how did she die?
Shang: The Huns, when they first tried to take the city. They invaded our village and my mother tried to save me. Shan-Yu was the one who killed her
Mulan: I am so sorry
Shang: It's ok, it's in the past
Mulan: Are you afraid of the upcoming battle?
Shang: I wouldn't say afraid, but yeah, I am a bit nervous as is any soldier going into battle, and you? How are you feeling?
Mulan: I am a bit scared, I'm scared that I won't see my family and friends again, I'm scared about not bringing honor to my family, and I'm scared about dying in the battle, but now I understand what my father told me about dying for honor and about dying doing what's right. If I die, I want to die for a great cause, to make my country a safer place for the future generations, and to change it for the better
Shang: I get what you mean, I want the same too, I guess I am afraid of disappointing and failing my father and mother, I want to always bring them honor and make them proud of me
Mulan: Captain, I can assure you that they're very proud of you, that you could never disappoint them or fail them in any way, and that your mother is watching and taking care of you from heaven, and your father and mother will always be by your side no matter what happens
Shang: Thank you, Ping, your words are very comforting. Feel free to call me by my name, Shang
Mulan: As you wish
Shang: It's that time, alright soldiers, the break is over, we need to keep going
Everyone else: Yes, sir!
[Mulan stands up and everyone continues to march to their destination. Around dinner time, they stop once again, they eat, get ready for bed, and then set up camp for the night]

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