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                "I think Melinda is the universal counter part of Qetisiyah. " , Lizzie said as the girls were reading more of The Warren family history and the demons vaniquishing spell.

"Who is that?," Their guide asked. The were learning about each other's worlds through flash cards and quizzes.

"The witch who created the Other Side," Josie reminded him again and he nodded.(let's assume the other side still exists)

"Where your supernaturals crossover when they die?," The three girls nodded and he smiled. The four were getting along, although tension was still there between Hope and Jason which Lizzie told her twin she was sure was sexual and Josie agreed. They found the white lighter's ability to heal witches fascinating . The school had learned about the archane , hence all the students were on edge that monsters and demons were real.

             "But why do you consider this witch as Melinda's counterpart?",Jason asked.

             "Qetsyiah was the progneitoress of the Bennett bloodline - which is one of the most powerful witch bloodlines there is." Josie answered for him.

"And since Melinda's bloodline is powerful , it just makes sense to draw up that conclusion." Hope said with a shrug.

"Uh, Bennet - which means blessed , not surprised that there is a powerful bloodline of witches of that name." He said to himself.

The three walked to the hall, some girls eyeing Jason up and down, they started fawning after him when he helped heal a witch who was severely injured .He as always was oblivious to the attention as Hope rolled her eyes ; something both twins took note of.

Intially, Lizzie was upset at seeing the weird sexual chemistry between her best friend and white lighter , but she could see that they could be a good couple if only Jason wasn't so dense and Hope could give her heart another chance.

The girls noticed the eyes on them as they entered each of the classes they had for the day - the news of the Archane really spread , thanks to the school gossip; Alyssa Chang. The news circulating in the entire school was the girls blowing up a spider monster, Caroline and Elijah agreed to keep their out of the universe powers a secret from the students untill otherwise, so the students only believed white lighters and the monsters were just uncommon and rare.

"Have you heard? Another female activist was found murdered," was the voice of one Werewolf student . It was lunch and the three charmed tribid and siphoners and white lighter were sitting outside.

"I know it's so awful," the female Werewolf said, her voice full of pity.

"What do you mean?," Jason walked up to the Werewolf boy and girl , making Hope and the twins confused on why he seem interested.

"Yeah, two weeks ago one woman advocating for some save earth project was killed, another woman , a lecturer of women's rights was attacked officers say she's currently in a coma." Said the Werewolf boy.

"I remember reading an article on that," Hope said with a brow to which both werewolves nod.

"And now another female activist who was battling unsolved rape cases on her campus was killed over six hours ago . Her second in command is running a campaign about her death and the fight for justice at the mall today." The Werewolf girl answered.

"A bunch of us are going there, just because we aren't human, doesn't mean we don't care for justice. The second in command wants to show she's not afraid of the fraternities and that's major respect. Honestly I think the murders and attacks are connected, but the police don't." The Werewolf boy said with full blown confidence and knowing the weird town that is Mystic Falls , the girls nodded.

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