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A / N Relationships - Klaus and Camilie , Hayley and Jackson, Stefan and Caroline, Kai and Bonnie. Another note , the merge isn't a thing in this and Caroline runs the school along with Elijah and Klaus. Alaric is dead in this.

A month after Prologue

It was time for the annual school camp out for the Salvatore Students. The headmistress , Caroline Forbes -Salvatore arranged for it , just like inter school sports , this was one of the days , the students were encouraged to not use their powers but just try living normally for a night.

"Explain to me why we agreed to sleeping on the cold hard ground in the woods. Especially the ones in Mystic Falls , don't you all know it's history ," Lizzie complained for what sounded like the eighteenth time , making all the students in the bus groan. The blonde Siphoner was sitting in between her twin and best friend.

"Elizabeth Jenna Saltzman," her mother said in annoyance at the front of the bus , her voice clearly demanded that the topic be dropped. Caroline Forbes-Salvatore was the best headmistress in all of school history , but no one could refute her if she ordered against something.

The blonde siphon twin rolled her eyes in annoyance and huffed. Josie was listening to music on her earphones due watching the road and Hope Mikaelson was sketching her wolf form.

"If I get mulled by bears. You all owe me a beautiful grand funeral of the century," Lizzie said out loud and someone snorted in amusement.

"Lizzie , we do this every year and every year you complain then forget about it . So you can handle it," Hope said deadpanned not taking her eyes off her sketch , the blonde wanted to make a come back but couldn't think of one and just shut her mouth.

"Do you know the next time , your Dad plans on going on a trip?", Lizzie asked the tribid a little bit too eagerly and that caused Hope to raise a brow.

"Why do you want to know?,"

"Your dad knows how to plan trips whenever he invites Jo and I. And I frankly love how he spoils us, I for one like to be pampered and spoiled." Lizzie replied with blunt honesty, that was something that Hope appreciated and cringed at , Lizzie Saltzman was known for her brutally honest opinions.

"I don't know. He's probably busy with Cami and Henry." Hope shrugged and Lizzie pouted , originally all three girls didn't like one another, no matter how much Klaus and Stefan wanted their daughters to get along it never ended pretty if one or the other was invited to either homes for dinner.
When the twins were nine, Alssya Chang was making fun of Lizzie's bipolar and poking fun at the fact the twins were related to Kai Parker, the former Socio-patheth that massacred his entire coven and killed their bio mom before he repented . Hope stood up for them and become best friends just as Klaus and Stefan wanted. The girls further bonded on the fact that they were the only tribid and siphoners in existence - they made the other feel unique in their differences especially if some witches poked at them. They did have friends among Werewolves and Vampires , but only a few witches associated with them.

When Hope activated her Werewolf curse at fifteen, the twins supported her when the young Mikaelson felt guilty for accidentally killing a priest while murdering the vampires that took part in kidnapping and almost killed her mother. For a whole week , the twins slept in Hope's room to comfort her and that made Caroline decide to shift her daughters into Hope's room as the tribid didn't have a roommate.

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