Chapter 30: Hundred-Piece Puzzle

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You fell asleep.  Not that that was strange, though it was the first time you'd slept in a few days.  No, that wasn't the weird thing.

What was weird, however, was the silence that engulfed you when you woke; part of you was terrified that you weren't truly awake, that you were stuck in some sort of silent dream land without any hope of escape, but as soon as you looked around and saw that Id and Sup were still in the room with you, you felt comfortable in assuming you were awake.  There were no prayers, no screams for your help, even Crowley seemed to have given up his attempt to get into contact with you.  Your mind was silent.

They probably think you're dead.  So quick to lose faith, you should just kill them all.

Has this ever happened before?

You looked at the two creatures that stood at the foot of your bed before sitting up, bringing your hand to your head and running it through your hair in an attempt to tame your mane.  Both Id and Sup simply stared at you, their eyes wide, their mouths closed as they focused on you rather than beating on each other.

Well? Id asked and his eyebrows rose.  Are you going to do something?

There's nothing to do.  She doesn't know what happened, yet.

"It's been two weeks." A voice came from your side and you were quick to jump to your feet, pulling the gun from under your pillow as a force of habit.  When you realized it was Death you were quick to relax, not finding any humor in the situation although Death chuckled, softly.  "Are you any closer?"

"Why are you doing this?"

"I have always helped you after you got out of the cage, Y/N." He said before handing you another bag, this one not nearly as greasy as the ones you had been getting used to.  "Your memory is always a bit jumbled, but I suppose that's to be expected after spending a good few years with Lucifer.  He always was a cagey one." Death shook the bag a bit in front of you but you were cautious, doubting of the man.  "Come on, you need to eat."

"What is this one going to make me remember?"

Death simply stared at you a moment before bringing the bag closer to him, his eyebrows raising with disbelief before he turned and sat on the chair across the room from you.  Crossing his legs, Death brought a hand to his mouth and used his thumb and index finger to wipe downward, running his fingers along the outside crease of his mouth before setting his hand back down on his lap.

"This is your 605th time coming topside after having your humanity stripped."

"Sorry if I lost count."

"No, I wasn't just saying that to put numbers to the horror," Death leaned forward, "I was saying that to remind you that every hundred or so years you were supposed to have been sent back down to the cage in order to be 'set right' in Lucifer's eyes, and every time you came back up and had to go through this.  I was saying that to remind you that you've figured this out before and you're going to do it again."

"Why are you so helpful, this time?" Death's eyebrows rose at that—almost as if you had offended him—before you continued. "I just carried on last time, jumped right back into things and waited for information to come back to me but this time you're bound and determined to make sure I remember.  Remember what exactly?"

Remember why you were sent down, this time! Sup cried before Id slapped him.

"You know this time was different." Death gestured to the bed and you narrowed your eyes before slowly agreeing to his silent request and taking a step back, sitting at the edge of the bed.  "You know you weren't only summoned to the cage, you were sent there."

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