Chapter 15: Back to the Beginning, the Second

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You were shaking as you undressed, and while you had made a promise to yourself some hours ago that you were going to deal with this with a clean mind, that you were going to try to avoid drinking to numb anything, you found yourself reaching into your backpack and pulling out a full bottle of Knob Creek whiskey.  You usually went after something more like Jack Daniel’s, but at this point you needed as much alcohol in your system possible… as quickly as possible.  Uneahlthy? Yes.  But what was the worst that could happen?

It’s not like it could kill you.

Now naked in the bathroom of the bunker, your filthy clothes in a pile beneath the sink, you turned on the shower and took a swig of the whiskey before stepping in, keeping the drink in your hand.

You simply stood in the shower, letting the water wash through the matted blood that had accumulated on your skin, in your hair.  The dirt washed away quickly as well, and when you looked down at the ground, letting the water flow down your head and off your forehead, you saw that the water going down the drain was a blackish color, fully displaying how filthy you had been.

Facing the faucet and letting the water run on your face, you threw your head back and took another couple drinks of the whiskey, something you weren’t able to do for a good half-dozen decades of heavy drinking. The drink burned on the way down, but you had since learned to welcome the feeling, dwell in it.  It was cleansing, that’s how you viewed it; it cleaned the shit from your life and made it more bearable, more beautiful.

The second time you had ever met the Winchesters was a crazy coincidence if you asked either Sam or Dean, but you knew better than that; it had been two weeks since you’d last seen the boys, and after having found out that the duo destined to lead to your demise was in the states—even better, that you had managed to put a bug in one of their phones—you got antsy.  After seeing that Dean’s phone, which was still activated, had been in a small Iowa town for a day or two, you figured it must have been a case.  Eager to further enhance their trust in you, you hustled there.

As it turned out, there was a murder of a fraternity boy out in the boonies, and you recognized it immediately as being death-by-ghost; it was likely the ghost of Jacob Karns, a man that one of your demons had possessed some years prior and led to kill several prostitutes.  Of course, to say that the demon did all of the work would be giving the demon a bit too much credit.  You remembered the day in the 1860’s when the demon finally left the body; he had been a rogue, one of the few that had escaped without getting the go-ahead, and when you found him he was quick to brag about his accomplishments.

“That reverend had quite a temper,” the demon told you, blood falling from his eyes from the force you had placed on them in an attempt to get him to talk.  “He wanted to kill the tramps, I just gave him the little push he needed.”

That same demon had been released since then and had done similar things—driving people to the edge, that is—but it had been a while since you’d heard of him.

Of course because the man still committed the crimes he was tried to death and was killed later that century; the untimely demise resulted in his spirit’s lingering. 

You remembered all of this as you drove up to a second crime scene, this one having taken place in a sorority house; it turns out that the spirit was getting restless after having been silent for quite some time, but all the more fun for you.  Ghosts were easy, simple.  Naturally upon getting there you had to wait a few minutes before the Impala drove up, the staple of the Winchesters.  By that point they hadn’t made themselves a name in the general hunter community, they were only the sons of John Winchester, whose greatest connection was with Bobby Singer (who was essentially the person that connected the entire hunting world)—but they were more to you.  They were the ones that were going to lead to your death.  They were the ones you needed to investigate, break down; be sure that however they were a threat to you, you stopped it.

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