Chapter 10

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Your pov (i'll try 2nd person pov, 'you' might make you more immersed into the story)

You went off to Goku black along with the only 2 you consider friends or perhaps rather family, seeing the fascination he has for you. Perhaps he can join that category, you'll find that out later on but for now it's time to speak with him seeing as he gestures for you specifically to go with him to the balcony of the cabin. While the others remained inside as you two left to do so.

You lean over the balcony resting your arms onto the edge, smiling while enjoying a bit of the scenery and peace. Feeling like it's one of the few times you'd be able to, as Gb (Goku black) opens the conversation. Gb, "You came to realise quicker than i thought who you are and what you're meant to do. What made you come by so quick?" He asks curiously and you just have an emotionless expression as a response. "Let's just say, the angels wanted to contain and seal me while punishing me for breaking the foolish time rule. Even though it was not my intention to go back, i did it to survive, and had to return as it would have consequences in the past. It did not go wrong, in that present timeline and yet they still wanted to punish me for it. If anything it's just betrayal on creation, the purpose of life is to live it freely while being true to yourself, to your true self and complete your journey through it as it's meant to for you." You explain and he smiles and nods in complete agreement, which is surprising since he despises life and wants to genocide it. Gb, "Indeed, even though i have the zero mortal plan. That is indeed the purpose of living" he confirms your thoughts as you smile back. "So, after we're done destroying the mortals, the system and angels with the omni king if he disagrees which is likely. We can recreate everything and go down a new path for creation, one of true justice as you wanted. Where gods guide mortals and those who go astray will meet their end, as well as those who go against the gods." You say to him, visualising your image to which he agrees "subarashii, that's definitely the perfect world, then let us get to it! I want you to train me and help me perfect myself through saiyan ways and hone this body to the fullest." He requests, and honestly, you always wanted to be a guidance to someone and train them so you agree by reaching your hand "and i swear i'll join you in this whole thing, you can trust me. So it's a deal!" You exclaim he takes the hand and shakes it, of course you were definitely going to hold on to that promise.

You went and made a training ground yourself and gb soon joined "in order for new order and balance to exist, the old must first be destroyed by the other side chaos" you and the others were following this philosophy to the letter. As you trained gb to get stronger, to prepare for a war of the multiverse including it's timelines.
"I want you to focus on that chaotic energy and mindset but keep a cool mind. Stay focused and power up to the maximum" you instruct, as Gb smirks and closes his eyes the ki becomes chaotic as he screams powering up completely. "Take a look" with that he sees that his ki is a little darker and more potent but it's also a little golden as he turned into a super saiyan. He takes Goku's stance and charges at you, making you power up still remaining in base easily blocking his attack. Shocking him but also pleasantly surprised him knowing that his ally and friend has this much power. He soon powers up to super saiyan 2, making it harder so you power up to full power in base before taking your stance and smirking and begin clashing with Goku black.

After training, you give him your god ki and a bit of chaotic ki. He screams and powers up to chaotic super saiyan rose, as you do the same. With yours being stronger "we're matching!" You exclaim and he's flabbergasted as to how far he's come. "However i have a new form" you close your eyes looking for both the chaotic energy and the order energy as you power up making half of your hair black and the other half white. With a bright white line surrounding a godly black aura.

Goku Blacks jaw drops "s-subrashi (incredible) so that's the final transformation of a saiyan with your nature and special ki." You nod to confirm this "indeed it is, i call it super saiyan order, because in this state i am chaotic but also calm and at peace completely neutral..." He nods in approval at the name and idea as beerus walks in dumbfounded. "So you unlocked a new form, that's awesome. We'll need all the strength we can get if we're going against the gods...especially, the 5." He states.

Goku black visibly froze hearing the mention of the 5 strongest in the multiverse. "I know...Obviously the angels apart from the grand priest aren't the strongest. Though i could beat whis and the angels in this form, i estimate that i could beat the first, second and third with chaotic ultra instinct. However i'll need to perfect it to beat the remaining 2 and that damned priest." You announce to them "though...i have no idea how to perfect that state." You admitted to them with a sigh "You'll figure it out" Goku black states, while Beerus who's slightly unnerved smiles and shakes it off with a sigh "Yes i have no doubt you will. You are something else, so you will figure it out. And we'll help out...But first, we need to deal with our situation and role in this timeline. Which is preparing for the remaining mortals and gods that want to arrive here." He reassured you that you will be able to reach such a state.

Cumber walks up to us smirking "i like the idea of crushing them, though i'll take on those two saiyans you 3 should fight the gods and that trunks saiyan. I have no doubt that they are training since they can't beat us as they are now." We nod at each other as they began training for the upcoming war. As the the preparations and plans have now been made!

Words: 1111
I decided to get back into writing this, i was inspired by the writing community such as callme arj, kakumei and unrealentgaming. I will also be working on the cobra kai story a bit more.

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