Party Crasher

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Opens up on the main bridge of the Mother of Invention, where Carolina, the Director, and the Counselor are seen standing on a platform.


F.I.L.S.S.: (voice over) Intruder alert, intruder alert. Breach in Security. Level Zero.

Carolina: It's the Resistance.

Director: No, it's Agent Texas. And her damn partners in crime.

Counselor: We should get back to the lab. Director, we must follow protocol.

The Counselor leaves.

Director: Carolina, look at me. You know what needs to be done.

Carolina: I do.

Director: Then do it.

The camera zooms in on Carolina as the Director leaves. Cut to a hangar, where Tex dispatches multiple Freelancer soldiers with Spike Grenades and soon encounters South holding a Missile Pod.

South: Think you're so fucking tough, don't you, Texas? Well, let me ask you something: who's the monster now, bitch?

Tex: Aw, shit...

South fires her weapon as Tex dives to the side. Cut to the Freelancer locker room, where Wyoming and two soldiers search for infiltrators.

Battle Rifle Grunt: Dude, we get to fight with Wyoming! Awesome!

Wyoming: Just clear the room lads.

Battle Rifle Grunt: All clear!

Assault Rifle Grunt: All clear, sir!

Wyoming: (sighs) Dear god, it's like idiots in stereo.

Assault Rifle Grunt: (giggles) Nice zinger, sir!

Battle Rifle Grunt: Kiss-ass.

Assault Rifle Grunt: Shut up.

Wyoming: Look over there. Now where are you hiding? Knock, knock mate.

Battle Rifle Grunt: Wait, who's there?

York bursts out from the tiled ceiling above, kills the two soldiers, and battles Wyoming.

Battle Rifle Grunt: Whoa! It's York! (screams in pain)

York: Knock knock!

Wyoming: Ah yes, that's what I'm saying, who's there?

York: It's York! (smashes open a locker, hitting Wyoming in the process and sees a photo of a woman) Hello.

Wyoming: Who's there?

York: I told you! It's York!

Wyoming: It's York...who?

York throws a locker at Wyoming, defeating him.

York: It's "York" catch, asshole! (grabs a photo of woman floating in the air) Talk about knock knocks. (stuffs photo in his pocket and leaves)

Cut back in the hangar, where South fires at Tex, who continues to dodge. South then launches multiple projectiles at Tex, but several sniper shots eliminate them in mid-air. Tex looks behind her to see North walking in with a sniper rifle over each shoulder.

North: Well, hello, ladies. What seems to be the problem?

South: North, you know what the problem is. This bitch stabbed us in the back, and now it's time to return the favor. Whose side are you on, brother?

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