Babysitter Jake *Chapter Five*

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I am fully, one hundred percent ready for you to come at me with pitch forks. I totally deserve it, honestly I've been crap at updating. I'm really sorry for that, it just seems like 24 hours in a day just aren't enough anymore. Let's hold out for June, school ends pretty quickly and I'm going on quite a lot of road trips which will give me some time to write. But I'm also taking an AP class which will give me a lot and I mean a lot of summer reading to keep me busy. (It's AP American History) But onto the chapter, yet again

I'm not happy with it. I haven't been writing to my best ability for this entire book, and I'm very sorry for that. But hey, a crap update it better than no update. 

I love all of you, and remember, you're always worth life.

So, before I start rambling again, here's the chapter.


Essays are stupid; I do not care how Lennie relates to a dog in Of Mice and Men, I do not care how big my margins are and how small my text is in times new roman font. I do not care if my spacing's are not double spaces, who ever came up with all of these requirements for one measly essay really needs to reevaluate their life choices.

 Sighing, I closed my laptop and curled the blanket around me tighter; I was still on edge from this morning. I planned to go back to sleep, but after a failed 30 minutes, I opened up my backpack and decided it would be a good idea to get started on the rough draft of my essay due next week. As anyone could tell, it wasn't working out too well.

I grabbed my phone and shoved the computer off of my lap and next to my leg, my phone vibrated in my hand as it signaled I received a text:

Cute pajamas by the way (:

P.s. Before you freak out, your mother gave me your phone number.

I automatically knew who it was; it was the neighbor boy who just so happened to have shown up in my room today. Tapping out a reply, I sent:


My own mother gave out my phone number to a boy whom I don't even know his name


It was awhile before he replied.


When it was finally a sane hour to be awake and moving, I slipped out of bed and walked out of my room, both of my mom and dad were at work. They worked at some company who did something that I had no idea what it was.

Something that sucks about the weekend and having no friends is you virtually have nothing to do. Especially when you don't have any siblings to hang out with anymore, but having the house to yourself can be great. Like no one can judge me on how hard I jam to Demi Lovato's Really Don't Care. The song was incredibly catchy; personally, I think she's one of the most underrated voices in the industry.

I pulled my phone out of my robe pocket and connected over Bluetooth to my house's speakers. I immediately started blasting my morning mix tape. It was fire, or whatever people call it these days. It was filled with Fifth Harmony, Demi, Little Mix, and even a little bit of One Direction. Top Down By Fifth Harmony came on and the beat started vibrating through the house. I remember once that I turned up the bass on the stereo system so hard that a priceless vase that my mother bough ended up on the ground after a beat drop in Neon Lights.

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