Part One ~ Chapter Fifteen

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If you are reading this on your ipod, you might was to go onto your computer or something because the italics in this chapter is important in the flashblack.



“Something happened that night. “



“I can’t believe I’m saying this,” I told Julia after Matt had left, “but I sort of just want to get back to Hamilton. Being here, around my family, it makes me feel like there are more people we can hurt. There’s more damage we do back home.”

                “This doesn’t feel like a home,” Julia whispered softly. “At least at school, there’s more people to be around.”

                I nodded, rubbing my head and lying down in my chair. I was still feeling slightly queasy from the hospital, but I was just thankful to be out of there alive. “How’re you feeling?” I heard Julia ask. I just nodded, mumbling something I don’t remember. Instead, my vision was being clouded by a memory from the hospital. Something that happened which I didn’t quite remember.

                The room was dark.

                I blinked in my chair, trying to hold on to that memory.

                There was an IV hooked up to my arm. I looked down and saw the tube running to the machine. There was a queasy feeling in my stomach.

                “Amy… Amy are you okay!?”

                I snapped out of it, the memory fading. “Yeah…” I muttered. “It’s just… I dunno. Forget it.”

                “Just what?”

                “There’s something not right about what happened in the hospital. Something I can’t remember, and I feel like it was important.”

                “They had you on a lot of drugs,” Julia replied, giving me a worried look.

                There was a white pill.

                “I know,” I clenched my fist, losing the memory yet again. “But this was real, I know it. And there must be a reason my mind is trying to get me to remember it.”

                I could tell Julia didn’t believe me. She had this look on her face that made it seem she was thinking the drugs hadn’t worn off yet.

                “I swear, I’m sober.”

                “I didn’t say you weren’t.”

                There was a door.

                “Of course there was a door,” I muttered to myself. “It’s a hospital.”

                “Amy… Maybe you should rest.”

                “I’m not crazy, I swear!” I sat up; realizing that lying down in my chair was making all the blood rush to my head.

                It was dark. The door slowly swung open. I sat up in bed with a jolt, my heart beating fast. “Who’s there?” I demanded. But I realized the words didn’t make it out of my mouth.

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