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Private message

starspangledman: natasha

knives: yes

starspangledman: did i ever tell you how amazing you are?


what did you do?

starspangledman: what makes you think that i did anything?

knives: it's a sixth sense. i call it the steve sense

starspangledman: well yeah that would make sense.


that was really funny

knives: steve-

starspangledman: i'm laughing a lot now.
like it won't stop. say something sad to get me to stop laughing.

knives: it might be too much for you to handle

starspangledman: nat, this is urgent i need sadness now.

knives: i accidentally shrunk your gray hoodie in the wash...

starspangledman: what

knives: yeah...

starspangledman: well, i mean it was kind of  yours at this point considering you steal all of mine. i have two left!!!

knives: hey!! i leave you my perfume when i go on missions.

starspangledman: only cause you take my cologne!!!!!

knives: oh please i know you spray it on your pillow when i'm not there before you sleep

starspangledman: i know you do the same thing!!!

knives: why are we yelling?

starspangledman: i have no clue.

knives: hey... what did you do anyway?

starspangledman: I broke a glass.

knives: oh my gosh

starspangledman: the coffee machine was being annoying

knives: i'm sure

starspangledman: ok. well, i cleaned it but i wanted to let you know because you really like those glasses

knives: THE FANCY ONES???

starspangledman: maybe...

knives: ROGERS!!!
i'm seeing mom on wednesday so no spoilers please!!!

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