3: Roll Call!!!!!

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Danger Bitches 🤪🔪

youknowwhoiam: I never thought I would say this, but I need a favor

knives: GASP

blintcarton: the great TONY STANK NEEDS A FAVOR WOWWW

fridgemagnet: this is called growth

knives: I'm with the fellow russian murderer on this one, this is a pretty big achievement.

youknowwhoiam: I hate every single one of you, but I actually need a favor. ITS NOT A BIG ONE. but it is still a favor.

birdman3: spill the beans stark what do you rEqUiRe mY aSsIsTaNcE oF?

youknowwhoiam: shit. I cannot believe I'm doing this

starspangledman: tony we don't have all day hurry up

youknowwhoiam: why what you doing later, fonduing red over here?

knives: I'm. going. to. murder. you. be careful 🤍

youknowwhoiam: ok.... totally not horrified.

starspangledman: stark

youknowwhoiam: right sorry, I need all of you to just say here, so I have a RoLl cAlL. anyone can start, just go ahead.

starspangledman: here

blintcarton: p r e s e n t

birdman3: alive

fridgemagnet: dead

redwigglywoos: depressed

ginormousragemonster: I'm here too

knives: planning on how to murder tony

fastandfurious: being bothered by you guys. shut up.

rollingdownahill: having to listen to fury get mad at all of you

tor: here

Ilikecats: present, even though I have no idea why

toaster: ✋🏼

warmachinerox: here

strange_itsstrange: hello

spacelesbean: you guys are lucky I found wifi

pietrotime: hey

roadworkahead: my brother added me here so hello colonizers

yeahIsurehopeitdoes: hi mr. stark and all other avengers, (this might be the coolest day of my life)

pepperandsalt: hey everyone

tictac: woah, this is amazing

knives: stark where did you find their numbers?

youknowwhoiam: I have my ways

starspangledman: ok so everyone I'm sure you all know what a group chat it

birdman3: I hope you do cause Im not explaining it

ilikecats: I'm pretty sure everyone here knows what this is

starspangledman: ok sounds good

excluding testosterone 💅

knives: welcome females :)

redwigglywoos: I like the name

rollingdownahill: yeah me too, good idea nat

knives: thanks. so this is for no reason and so we can have a text thing without the men cause ew

spacelesbean: ok but Natasha, there is definitely one man you don't think is 'ew'

knives: why did I make this chat again?

pepperandsalt: don't try to avoid the conversation nat, whoooooo?!?!

roadworkahead: I think we all know who is being mentioned

pepperandsalt: no I actually don't know

spacelesbean: guess

pepperandsalt: uhhhh bruce?


pepperandsalt: well that was a reaction

knives: do you really think I like bruce?

pepperandsalt: well I'm not sure I haven't seen you in a while.

knives: true

redwigglywoos: do you want me to spoil it for you

knives: wanda....

pepperandsalt: YES

knives: NO

redwigglywoos: I'm giving you a hint; red white and blue.

pepperandsalt: oh. my. gosh. wait its really obvious. how did I not see it before?

knives: is it that obvious?

rollingdownahill: well yeah, it's just it's also obvious he is like SUPER in love with you too.

knives: well, I'm not sure if i'm in love

spacelesbean: puh-lease

roadworkahead: it's as obvious as our planets climate crisis, and that's pretty obvious.

knives: I know what you guys are gonna say

rollingdownahill: and what would that be?

knives: that I should tell him

redwigglywoos: yes

pepperandsalt: yeah

spacelesbean: yup

roadworkahead: mhm

knives: shit

redwigglywoos: you should do it, you know he feels the same way

knives: I hate you all

rollingdownahill: tell us how it goes!

knives: BYE

what could possibly happen??? also I'm obsessed with writing these, so prepare to see a lot of them :) this one is like 600 words. which I think is pretty cool😌 oh and I love reading comments so feel free!

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