Secrets and Misleadings

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The sun peaked through the curtain and shined Stiles right in his eyes, he opened his eyes and groaned the moment he was blinded by the sun.

"God, daylight" Stiles said and covered his eyes.

Stiles's voice is what woke Silvie up, she whined and looked up onto Stiles's bed.

"What? What is it?" She said, their eyes adjusting to the light.

"It's morning" Stiles groaned and sat up.

"So it's a school day, right?" She asked, messing with the hem of the Star Wars T-shirt Stiles had given them.

"Yeah, it is. Hey, maybe you could see if you can enroll in Beacon Hills High!" He suggested.

"Only if you want to, of course"

"No, I want to. I'd like that, but I don't have anything to use for class like books and pens.." She said

"Well I can ask the principal if you can have the exact same classes as me and I'll share my stuff with you!" He smiled.

Silvie nodded and sat up.

"Alright then! I'll see if I can enroll" Silvie smiled.

There was a knock on Stiles's bedroom door before the door just opened. It was Sheriff Stilinski checking on both of them to see if they were awake.

"Alright Stiles, time to get up. You're not missing the first day back" He said and looked at Silvie with a smile.

"Would you like anything for breakfast.....?" He paused for a moment for them to say her name.

"Silvie" She nodded

"Silvie. Would you like some breakfast?" He repeated his question.

"Yeah I could go for some breakfast" They smiled and stood up.

The Sheriff had to look at Silvie's T-shirt twice to realise what it was, he had a few suspicions but he didn't want to address them in front of Silvie in case they got embarrassed if he was wrong.

"Alright, downstairs in 10 minutes for bacon and pancakes" The Sheriff said before disappearing downstairs.

"He never makes me pancakes!" Stiles said, shocked.

"Guess I'm already his favourite" Silvie laughed before grabbing the jeans she had on the day before and slipping them on when Stiles wasn't looking. They tucked the Star Wars shirt into the jeans and stood up.

"How do I look?" She asked, Stiles took a moment just to appreciate that a hot girl was wearing his favourite shirt.

"You're wearing the shirt to school?" He asked, still very aware that it was a pyjama shirt.

"Yeah. It's now the only shirt I've got that doesn't have a hole or blood stains on it" She chuckled.

Stiles nodded and got out of bed.

"Yeah, that makes sense" He smiled at them.

"Can I ask you a question though?" Stiles asked.

"Yeah of course"

"If you moved here, why didn't you take anything with you like clothes and toiletries" He said.

Silvie sighed and looked down, their situation was difficult to talk about but Stiles needed to know.

"I wasn't planning on moving here but my pack were all murdered by hunters and I knew that I was probably next so I ran" she said softly.

Stiles was shocked to hear about what happened which made him feel bad about asking.

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