First Bite

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A dead body.

That's what Scott and Stiles were out looking for in the middle of Beacon Hills Preserve. Apparently two joggers were, I'm assuming jogging, in the woods when they discovered it.

Stiles's dad was Sheriff of Beacon Hills so he overheard the call about the body and immediately ran off to get Scott.

Silvie, who had just came in to Beacon Hills, decided it would be fun to climb a tree in the woods and sleep in it for the night.

Don't ask why.

I don't know why.

I don't even think Silve knows why.

"I didn't think about that" Stiles said, his voice was faint to Silvie but she could still hear it for reasons that will be explained later.

"And what if whatever killed the body is still out here?" Scott asked him

"Didn't think about that either!" Stiles laughed as the two continued their journey through the woods, not knowing they were being watch from afar by a very intrigued girl.

The two were getting closer to Silvie's tree as they spoke.

"It's comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail" Scott said as they scaled a small hill.

"I know" Stiles said, still climbing the hill, not looking back.

As they climbed the hill, Scott took a minute to breathe and lean against a tree. Silvie could hear how his breaths  sounded strained and they could tell that Scott was struggling.

"Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight, huh?" Scott said, pulling out his inhaler and taking a puff of it before he joined Stiles.

Stiles had reached the top of the hill and tackled the ground to stay out of sight from the police that were also looking for the dead body. Stiles turned his flashlight off and hid it. Scott joined him on the ground and took another puff of his inhaler.

"Come on!" Stiles said as he got up and headed straight for the police. Good idea Stiles. Well done.

Stiles wasn't actually running towards the police, he was still trying to avoid them. Scott tried to keep up with him but Stiles was too fast and Scott was loosing oxygen, he took another puff.

Stiles had made it so far ahead of Scott that he couldn't really see him until Scott called out for him, he stopped running and looked around to find him. When he turned back, he was greeted with a dog barking at him and a policeman shining their flashlight in his face. Stiles fell in shock and hit the ground, according to Silvie he screamed like a little girl.

"Hold it right there!" The policeman shouted, Scott got scared and hid behind a tree.

Silvie was invested now. Stiles was only a few trees away from hers so it gave them a better view of him. Stiles seemed around 5 foot 9, he had a buzz cut that made him look adorable and he wore clothes that were around 2 sizes too big.

"Hang on, hang on. This little delinquent belongs to me" The Sheriff said as he approached his son who was just getting off the ground.

"Dad, how are you doing?" Stiles said casually

"So do you listen in to all of my phone calls?" Sherrif asked

"No..." Stiles paused.

"Not the boring ones" He said. The Sheriff looked like he dealt with stiles's antics quite a lot.

"Where's your usual partner in crime?" His dad asked. Silvie assumed he meant Scott.

"Who, Scott? Scott's home. He said he wanted to get a good night's sleep for the first day back at school tomorrow. Its just me. In the woods.

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