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kacchans POV

"oh, come onnnn! not now please, this really isn't a good moment!" i groaned
this lil shit from the lov just smirked.
Dabi started to attack aizawa sensei while Toga fought against me. "hehe, I wonder how tasty your blood will be. sweet or disgusting?" she psychly glared at me, what a creep. she attacked me with a... fork..? "what the hell?! you're literally trying to fight me with a fucking fork?! do you think I'm that weak?!" i yelled while I send some explosions to her, sadly she dodged them all:(. "hehe" she giggled like a psycho and a creep when they killed someone together, what the actual fuck.

(since I'm bad at writing fight scenes we're just going to end it here. bakugou wins against toga, who got a bit blood from him. aizawa also won against Dabi and they went back to the bar.) "we'll come back you dicks!" that was the last thing dabi screamed before he left.
"what a shitty relief" I heard aizawa say "I'll go up to see if deku is still there." I say in a serious tone he just nodded and I went to my dorm.

when I opened the door deku was gone, I started panicking. but when I heard a mumbling in my bathroom I knew who was in there, deku. I went to the door to hear what he was doing, probably cutting again...
"you stupid deku, why did you had to get caught?! if it weren't for your stupid act you would be dead by now! no one cares if your dead, they only don't want to see you anymore!
... you think so..? what about kacchan..?
you really still think that he likes you?! if you were him, would you rather choose kirishima or you?
that's what I thought "
after a while I stopped listening to him. was he talking to himself..? was there a voice in his head..?

I decided to open the door since I didn't wanted to hear this anymore when I opened the door I was greeted by a greenette with a razor in his hand and more than 20 cuts in his other arm. "seriously deku, you have to stop this. this isn't good for you, please."
I begged him. wait. I just begged for someone, what the fuck.
"hehe, kacchan. you know, it's really simple to say that. but you also have to know that I got abused every day, that I wasn't realky eating anything, I never really slept, I was always faking my smile and probably more. you even bullied my almost my whole life and now you're saying that you like me and want to apologize?!
... ugh I'm being selfish again...
you know what, just go to kirishima and leave me alone." he was laying on the ground, sobbing.
"look de- izuku, I know that this is hard for you. I just hope that you'll forgive me one day. I always liked you, I just didn't know how to react. and in order to come near you I just started bullying you. but to make myself clear, I'm not in love with kiri but I'm in love with you, deku. "
I picked him up and bandaged him. he didn't say anything, the silence was really awkward. after I finished to bandage his arm I saw his other arm
"how many cuts do you have on your arms?!" it looked like over 30
"56 on the left and 68 on the right. and you lost the allowance to call me izuku long ago. hehe." I was shocked at the amount of the cuts he had. but I was also sad that I couldn't call him izuku. I just nodded and bandaged his other arm. when I finished I kissed him on his cheek and said "you're the only one I like, don't forget that nerd."
he smiled and said "I'm your nerd~" with a smirk. I slightly blushed and went to the bathroom to clean his blood from the floor.

yeah, as you can see I didn't upload anything on my class trip in France¬-¬. I was too lazy.

pls vote if you liked this chapter <3

word count : 703

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