DOTWH - Prologue 3

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(Since there are 2 different Ichika's here, I'll just put Amasawa for the DOTWH version and Ichika since I'm too lazy to type out Ichika Nakano all the time. Also, there are so many interactions that I wanted to put but I couldn't fit them all such as Hosen and stuff, so I hope it won't be too much of a bother that I neglect them.)

For some reference:

Ichika = Ichika Nakano

Amasawa = Ichika Amasawa

Kikyou = DOTWH/ Kushida = Canon

Ken/Kenchin = DOTWH/ Sudou = Canon

Honami = DOTWH/ Ichinose = Canon

Kiyotaka = DOTWH/ Ayanokouji = Canon

Yukimura = DOTWH/ Keisei = Canon

Yamauchi = DOTWH (Canon Yamauchi is not here)

I just entered the meeting room with Matsuo, Eichiro and the maids. Upon entry, I saw 4 people. A woman with shoulder length black hair in a suit and a blonde haired man with brown eyes wearing an all too familiar lab coat.

Nanase: Eichiro-kun...? What are you doing there?

Eichiro: Well, some stuff happened, but I suppose you could say it is the reason why I am still alive right now.

Nanase: I-I see...

Hearing a topic that caused someone to die in a different timeline, the others got slightly scared and uneasy.

Hondou 2: Wait, what is that place?

Ike: Do you guys not know?

Nino: Of course we don't, you idiot! We met him in school! Does that place look like school to you!?

Ike: C-Calm down, alright!? I was just asking a question! How was I supposed to know!?

Horikita 2: No matter the timeline, Ike-kun is still stupid.

Both Ikes: Hey! That's rude!

Matsushita: So, the other me really is Ayanokouji-kun's maid in another timeline...

Satou: 'Lucky Matsushita-chan...'

Miyamoto: Damn...Those maids are hot...

Ike 2: I agree...

Yamauchi: Ayanokouji, you're so lucky! Those maids are blazing hot!

Hondou: The things I want to do...

Canon Ike wanted to say something, but he felt Shinohara eyeing him from the side and reluctantly kept his mouth shut.

Kiyotaka: Don't even think about trying anything.

Instantly, the DOTWH casts' boys stopped their remarks and faced forward with a pale look.

Satou: Hmm...Why do the boys from the other timeline look so scared of the other Ayanokouji-kun?

Satou 2: Shh...Other me, don't say anyt-

Ryueen 2: Would you guys shut up already!? I want to watch what the fuck happens!

Instantly, the theatre got quiet and everyone resumed watching the video.

Based on the fact that he is here and the White Rooms existence is being investigated, he is probably a traitor or was undercover the whole time.

"White Room?"



Ichika: Umm...What's this White Room, Kiyotaka-kun?

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