Wrong Exam Topics

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We dismissed the group ten minutes before our lunch break was over. We packed up and headed toward the faculty room. We needed to confirm exactly what the test would cover.

Shibata: 'Confirm what the test would cover'? Did your teacher not tell you?

Kushida: No, the bitch did something worse.

Sae: Who are you calling a bitch?

Kushida: You, bitch.

Hashimoto: Damn... even her teacher? This girl's on X games mode...

Ryueen: Kukuku. Consider me very impressed.

Sae: You two-faced disrespectful child. You need to learn some manners on how to talk to your teachers.

Kushida: Look at my face. Does this show the face of someone who gives a fuck? Huh!? Do I look like I give a fuck!? Do I look like I give a fuck!? Cause I don't, bitch!

Sae: You're lucky we're not in school right now.

Kushida: You're lucky you still have a job. Old hag.

"Chabashira-sensei, we have an urgent question."

"Quite the theatrical entrance. You surprised the other teachers," she said.

"I sincerely apologize for the sudden intrusion."

Chie: Oh, don't apologise. She needs to understand her job scope and actually do it correctly, after all.

Amikura: Coming from the teacher that sexually harasses a student.

Chie: I did not! Who and when!?

Amikura: Ayanokouji-kun. When Chabashira-sensei called him into the office.

Chie: That doesn't count!

Himeno: In what world does that not count?

Chie: In this world! Because it's Ayanokouji-kun!

Kamuro: Say that in court, pedo.

Chie: I'm not a pedophile! Ayanokouji-kun's a big boy! An adult!

"It's fine. We're in the middle of something, so please keep it brief." Chabashira-sensei continued to write in her notebook.

Kushida: In the middle of a gangbang from midgets?

Ibuki: You seriously have a problem with your teacher too?

Kushida: Yeah, she's a bitch. Exhibit A is currently being displayed on the screen. Please silence your mobile devices as the show's ongoing.

"Chabashira-sensei, last week when you told us what material the test would cover, did you make a mistake? A little earlier today, some Class C students told us that the test's material would be different than what we were expecting."

Ishizaki: Wait, was each class tested on different materials?

Nishino: I highly doubt that's the case.

Chabashira-sensei listened in complete silence and didn't even bat an eyelash as Horikita spoke. Then, she put down her pen.

Kushida: Look, the old bitch doesn't even give a fuck about us, so why should we give a fuck about respecting her?

"That's right. The test's topics changed last Friday. Sorry, I must've forgotten to inform you."

Ichinose: Forgot to inform them!?

Kushida: Definitely not that. The fucker gave us the wrong test materials on purpose. She thought our class had no potential so she couldn't care less.

Mashima: That's completely unacceptable, Chabashira-sensei. You can't jeopardise the future of your students like this, whatever the reason.

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