You're Cruel

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Ike left the library, trailed by the hesitant Okitani. Now only Kushida, Horikita, and I remained. Soon, even Kushida would probably reach her limit and leave.

Sudou: So... this is after that first study session, right...?

Ryu: Yup. The one where the three idiots and Okitani walked out off.

Ike: Three idiots?

Shinohara: There's only two left now.

Sudou: Wait, are you talking about me, Ike and Yamauchi.

Horikita: Who else could she be talking about?

Ike: You guys called us the three idiots!?

Nene: Two idiots now.

Ike: Why!? That's so mean! We didn't even do anything!

Kei: But, you guys are idiots.

Ike: No, we're not!

"Whatever you say."

Ike: Seriously! We're not idiots! Ken, say something, will you!?

Sudou: There's no point. They're not going to stop calling us that if we just demand it. We should show them that we're not idiots with our actions.

Ike: Damn it! This sucks! Why am I known for this!?

"Horikita-san, we're not going to be able to study with anyone if things continue like this..." Kushida murmured.

Sudou: Suzune, I'm sorry for making things so difficult for you.

Horikita: It's fine. I've forgiven you already.

Sudou breathed a sigh of relief.

Ryueen: So, when's the sex tape coming out?

Horikita: What in the world kind of disgusting things are you talking about?

Ryueen: Sex tape. It's when you record yourself having sex.

Horikita: I know what it is. The name speaks for itself. Never mind. Talking to imbeciles like you is a waste of my energy.

Ryueen: Looks like she's not interested in fucking a dog.

Sudou: Stop that shit right now!

Ryueen: And if I don't?

Horikita: Just ignore him, Sudou-kun. Don't waste your energy on him.

"I was certainly mistaken. Even if I'd helped them avoid failure this time, we would've faced a similar dilemma soon after. We'd have to go through this irritation all over again. Eventually, they'll fail. I finally understand how unproductive this was. I don't have the time for it."

Manabu: Yes. You should be spending your time on how to convince Ayanokouji to be my brother-in-law.

Horikita: Please don't, nii-san...

Haruka: Yeah. She's already stabbed my precious baby with a compass. He'll be killed if they get married.

Horikita: I said I'm sorry about that...

Haruka: I'm still not giving permission. Show me you love him, first.

Horikita: ...I understand...

Horikita whispered quietly.

Sudou: Wait, what did you say, Suzune!?

Horikita: It's none of your concern.

Sudou: 'Did I mishear!? I couldn't have, right!?'

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