Behind the mask

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I left the library and chased after Kushida. I wanted to thank her for working so hard to get the study group together, and to apologize.

Matsushita: This must be right after the study session.

Kei: Hmm... Why are you chasing after her, Ayanokouji-kun? If it's to thank and apologise to her, then there's no need to rush, is there?

Kei asked in a cold manner which went unnoticed by most. Except of course, the man himself.

Ayanokouji: I... didn't want to lose her.

Kei: I see...

Besides, I wanted to do everything possible to get along with such a cute girl you know?

Kei: Hmm...? Do you like Kushida-san or something, Ayanokouji-kun?

Ayanokouji: I don't have romantic feelings for her.

Kei: Hmm... Is that so...?

Nene: Am I cute, Ayanokouji-kun?

Ayanokouji: I guess...

Ayanokouji tried his best to avoid the daggers aimed at him by a certain blonde.

Nene: Then, why don't you try and get along with me? I'm sure we would get along very well.

Ayanokouji: I... thought that you were out of my league...?




Nene: E-Eh!?

Kei: 'What in the world did he just say!? Kiyotaka! What this is!? What this is!?'

Nene: D-D-Don't think like that, Ayanokouji-kun! I promise you that if that's true, then I would be on the wrong end!

Fuka: Ayanokouji, it's physically, literally, spiritually, mentally, ly, impossible for anyone to be out of your league. That's just not possible, myself included.

Ayanokouji: That's not true. Hirata is better looking than me.

Fuka: The nice guy? Please! He's so ordinary. Sure he's above average, but even just looks-wise, if we compare him to you, then he has no chance at all.

Asahina: It's obvious that you become blind when looking at yourself in the mirror. You are out of literally everyone's league.

Arisu: Yes, I agree. After all, you are the only person who has been able to steal my heart. You can include Masumi-san as well.

Kamuro: You don't have to include me you fucking loose legs.

Ichinose: I have to agree, Ayanokouji-kun. You're really handsome. Too handsome, honestly...

Haruka: Yeah, Kiyopon. You've raised the standard of handsome for boys and men. Now, no one is good looking when compared to you.

Tsubaki: 'His demeanour... his cool character... his mind... his face... they're perfect in my eyes...'

Nanase: 'The compassion he showed me... his cool hairstyle that matches perfectly with his handsome face... the butterflies he gave me... my dreamy senpai... I love it all...'

Hiyori: Ayanokouji-kun is really cool... That peaceful look on your face when we read books together... the gentle way you speak to me...

Satou: Those amazingly beautiful golden eyes of yours ... I can stare at them for eternity... That handsome face that's always so calm and cool no matter the situation... Your selflessness, the way you help the class in secret and never taking credit... That brown hair with the best middle part... That strong athletic body... They're all amazing...

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