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I always wondered about forbidden love, I've read about it, book after book. It always seems to work out. Sadly I am supposed to get married next month, to a man who I don't like. This is what my father is doing. I want to marry for love, he wants me to marry because it's convenient for him. He never found love, I don't think. My mother died a little after she had me. By the way my father talks about her, she meant something to him but not in a lovey dovey way. More of a friend way.

I don't remember my mom, she passed away when I was only 2. I have a couple of pictures of her, some jewelry, and her journal. The most important thing to me of hers that I have is a crystal necklace. She wore it everywhere she went.

"Dixie, come down stairs and meet your Fiancé!" Father called from the main floor. I walked slowly down the stairs as father had instructed me many times before, ladylike and gracefully. I got my first look at him, he was handsome but not beautiful. His blonde hair stuck out, you could tell that he was rich because of the fancy clothes he was wearing. "Hello Parker, how has your day been?" I asked him. He completely ignored my question. "What a lovely thing you are!" He said in a mocking tone. "Why you'll make a great wife for me." He walked around me as if admiring an object. "What the hell are you doing?" I was annoyed that he was treating me like an object rather than a woman. He ignored me yet again. "I can't wait to show you off to my brother, he will be so jealous that my wife is hotter than his." He says to my father. I had had enough. "Why the hell do you think you can talk to me like that? I am not an object and if your going to treat me like that then I will certainly not be your wife!" I was shocked someone could treat me like that and still he ignored me. "I'll leave you two alone to sort this out." My father said, then he left the room. Parker walked up to me and smacked me across the face, hard too. "You will not talk to me that way, I am in control of you now and there's nothing you can do to stop it. You are an object that is supposed to be looked at and not heard! Do you understand me?" I was shocked, no I was more than shocked. I was scared of what he was going to do to me. "I will never marry a man like you." I whispered to him. Then I stormed up the stairs, so angry that I slammed my door. I hadn't done that in years.

You can't hit Someone and be ok with it! I didn't want to marry someone who was going to treat me like an object with no voice. I cooled down in my room for a couple hours. I decided that I was going to get revenge, I didn't know how, I didn't know when, but I knew I would one day.

"What's wrong?" Father said as he walked into my room. "Parker slapped me across the face." I said with a loud sigh. "He did? Why?" He said, looking concerned. "I don't know, he just did." "There's no way! He seemed like a nice young man. You must be lying!" Father was starting to get angry. "I am not lying! You would believe an almost stranger than your own daughter?" I was yelling at this point. "Young lady, I did not raise you to be a liar! What would your mother think of you now? Lying to me to get out of marriage!" I couldn't believe that my own father didn't believe me over something that happened to me! He continued to mutter stupid crap under his breath. "Your mother would be so disappointed in you!" He yelled at me, trying to shame me into telling the truth. "How would I know that mother would be disappointed in me? You never talk about her! I don't even k is who she was!" I was screaming back. My father's face turned white. "You know how painful it is for me!" "I don't care! Maybe if you would talk about her, or even spend more time with me!" The air was thick with tension. "If you didn't know I have spent half of my life with you! I have done everything I could for you!" He looked like someone had just punched him in the gut, but I was still angry. "If you cared about me at all, you wouldn't make me marry someone who is going to abuse me if I don't do what they say! I am so done with people who think that I am just an object!" I screamed, getting louder and louder. I swung open the door and slammed it on my way out.

My father and I have fought before, but not like this. I had never been so angry at someone. I wanted to hit something, I wanted to destroy something. Then a question came to mind, what would mom do? That's the thing I didn't know what my mom would have done. I never knew her.

I stormed through town, no one even gave me a second glance. I walked to the edge of the forest, wanting to go inside. I had been warm many times not to go in for I could get lost or attacked by a wild animal.

I walked along the edge of the woods, trying to find a path or something to walk along. It was starting to get dark, so I decided to get a room at the inn in town. I walked slowly not wanting to be in any rush. I started walking faster and faster until I was running. I got into town and turned the corner. I had run right into someone. "Oh my goodness! Are you ok? I asked them. "I think I will be fine. I have a little bit of a headache but other than that fine, how about you? Are you ok? The stranger asked, concerned. "Yes, I will be fine, I am so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going and I ran right into you!" I felt so bad. "Hey, it's ok!" The man said to me again. "There is no harm done, what's your name?" He asked. "My name is Dixie Walker. How about you?" I replied. "My name is James, James Cameron. Would you like something to eat? You can come with me until your head feels better."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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