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I have killed all the men that have broken my heart. They never found their bodies, so no one could have possibly known it was me. Me, little Elisabeth, youngest of 3 children. Little Elisabeth who wouldn't hurt a fly, who is just a lovable little girl. I am good at acting, no one suspects a thing.

The first boy I killed, I thought I loved. He and I had been together for a year and a half. We were the perfect couple, until he started to date another girl behind my back. He told me it wasn't me, it was him. I decided that he and his girlfriend had to go. I've been an assassin since I was 9. I know how to kill in 100 different ways, all unique and different. All of my siblings are assassins, we all started training when we were young. My mother and father met in the "I was supposed to kill you" type of way. I think they expect me to find love that way too, but I am not really attracted to anyone right now.

I haven't seen my older sister Avery in almost 2 years, I don't even know if she's alive, mom knows but she can't tell me anything because it could risk Avery's mission. My older brother Cal is also out on missions, but I've seen him in the past month. My family gets paid by people through the black market, I am almost done with my training.

I do intense training everyday in our secret basement, my mom teaches me everything from the art of fencing to the art of meditation. I am not allowed to kill for pay yet, that will only happen when I beat my mom in a fight.

"Lizzy? Are you here? Your father wants to see you in his office, he wouldn't tell me why." There is a worried look on my mom's face, one that I have never seen before. That scared me, I've never seen her look so worried before.

"Remember if you hesitate, you'll be lost." Those words shook me, like they never had before. The stairs up to my father's office were maddening, every step I wondered what he could have called me up there for.

I approached the door to father's office.

We have 5 rules in our house.

1.) Do not let anyone know your secret identity.

2.) Always have meals at the dinner table.

3.) lessons before anything else.

4.) Not allowed to work until you pass your course.

5.) Never go in father's office.

The fifth rule was the most important. No one was even allowed on the stairs because an alarm would go off in his office, alerting him that one of us was coming up. Don't get me wrong, my father always makes time for me and my siblings, But he has kept so many secrets in his lifetime. That sometimes makes him a target for other assassins in the area.

The door creaks as I open it, I've only seen the inside of the office twice. It changes from time to time, so I remember it differently. "Hello Lizzy. You're probably wondering why I've called you up to my office." He said in a stern voice. "You are very close to finishing your... um, lessons, am I right?"

I looked surprised. "Yes I am, very close in fact." He looked pleased. "Your mother has told me how good you have been doing, so I want to propose something. We have gotten a very special request from an anonymous source. They want us to find the crowned prince and kill him." He said, looking astonished, and perplexed at the same time. "Who have we been sent by?" I replied, suspiciously. "I have no idea."

I can tell when people are lying, he was lying. He knew who he had been sent by. But the question still stands, should I ask him and risk it or play dumb and go along with it. My risky side took over immediately. "Your lying!" I shouted, louder than I meant to. Father raised one eyebrow. "Your senses are sharp, I do in fact know who sent you, and he asked for you specifically. But he must remain anonymous for now." I sighed annoyed with my father for not telling me, not trusting me with this valuable information.

"I can sense that you are annoyed with me. Come and see me after you finish your training and then we'll talk." Before he found out I had walked out the door, I was annoyed. I passed my mom who looked worried, "how was it?" She asked. "It was unimportant in my opinion." I said harshly, I was not happy that he had wasted all that time just to tell me that I may or may not have a mission. But to kill the crown prince? That was going to be hard. But first I had to get through my training.

We have a bookshelf in the back room, it's an old wooden thing. There are rows and rows of my favorite book there. The best part about it is it's a secret door, leading to our training room downstairs.

The training room is a spectacular place, I have learned many valuable skills that I will use in the outside world. My Mother, as I have told, has taught me everything I have ever learned. The room itself is something special, there are bows and arrows lining the left wall, along with all sorts of different knives. Some are big and some are small. On the right wall there are guns and swords, I have mastered all of them. By the back wall there are 3 targets, waiting, almost longing to be used. On the wall by the door there is a mirror, it's for meditation. I look into it. All I can see is a blonde girl with deep brown eyes. I am a small, thin girl. I use that to my advantage all the time. I grab a small, sturdy knife from the left wall, stand in my position, aim, and throw. The rhythm of it is so known to me, it comes naturally. I hit the middle of the target with triumph. A voice comes from behind me "Nice throw." I spin around, facing who is talking to me. "Thanks mom." I said with a small smile. "Now it's time for your lesson." She says with a sly grin.

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