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"I hate everyone but you." I said with a deep passion. Him, he is my whole world, no one else matters to me but him. Him, Leo Mackenzie. The love of my life. Then as if all at once he was kissing me. I felt as grand as the day I had met him. We pulled away, he grabbed my hand. "There is no one I'd rather be with than you Alice." Leo pulled me closer, closer still. "Let's take a walk together." He says. Yes, I think, let's.

I'm only 16, but I live with him, no family to turn to.

My family abandoned me when I was 9. I lived off the streets until I was 13 and had enough money to rent a house. I then met Leo. We fell in love immediately, we both knew we couldn't live without each other.

"Al, you are the most beautiful person ever." He said with a sparkle in his eyes. "I love you so much, you're so handsome." I say, lovingly.

Leo has deep brown hair, almost black. He has this crazy smile that makes me happy, his hazel eyes look thoughtful and reckless at the same time.

We walked into town and to the bookstore, the door opened. "My loyal customers! How are you?" Oliver, the bookstore owner, calls us. "Hello Oliver, what a lovely evening we are having, am I right?" I say, sweetly. Oliver is a little old man. He is a funny little man, and he loves books like me and Leo. "Oh it's almost sunset! My favorite time of day." Oliver and Leo continued talking. I found the book I wanted, paid Oliver and we left.

"How's life?" Leo asked me. "Well, I am walking with you, talking with you and spending time with you. Life couldn't be better." We walked into the woods. Trees towering over us, little shrubs waiting for me to trip over, scattered the forest floor. "I was walking the other day, and I came across a small field of flowers. That's where I am taking you. Their beauty reminded me of you." He stopped walking suddenly, turning to me. We were looking into each other's eyes now. His eyes sparkle with imagination.

Then his lips were on mine. I pulled him closer, both of us kissing each other. "I could go on forever, just you and me alone. Forever." I say in a whisper. "I wish the same thing all the time." He whispers to me. We break apart and continue to the field of flowers.

Once we got there we sat down. "I have a question to ask you." Leo said, looking at me. "What is it?" I replied. "Would you ever like children?" I was astonished, he had never talked about wanting children before. "I think I would like children, but only two, maybe three." I say thinking about what our children would look like. "What would we name them?" He whispered in my ear. "Some girl names that I like are Jordan, Jessica or Ava. Some boy names I like are Ash, Milo or Nathan." I whisper back.

He puts his hands on my hips, and I tense up. Even after all these years, he still gives me the shivers. "I think those are lovely names, I also think that if the child turns out to be a boy, we should name him Leo Jr." He ended in a laugh. "Not a chance in hell are we naming our baby Leo Jr." We are laughing together by the end of our conversation. We lay there in silence listening to the sounds of the forest as the sun goes down.

We are both so close to each other, longing to be closer. I stare at his lips, longing for them to be on mine. I move my face closer to his, our lips touch. He tastes like sugar, his warm lips on mine. We are both enjoying the kissing. We pause momentarily to move closer. He pulls me onto him, kissing me slowly but also fiercely. I notice his hands on my hips, then on my back. Leo begins to unbutton my dress. "Leo, not here." I whisper into his ear. He buttons my dress back up, but still has his hands all over me.

We stay there, kissing until it gets dark. "Leo, I love you with all my heart. You are the only one for me." He sighs my name into my ear. "Alice Mackenzie, that has a nice ring to it." He said getting up. "I've always been a Mackenzie." I replied. "Would you like to dance with me?" Leo asked in an innocent voice. "Yes, I would love to dance with you." He helps me get up, then pulls me close to him. We are dancing, slowly, surly.

After we dance, we start walking back to our house. The moon is full so we can see where we are going. The path we are on is worn, but still unknown. "Leo?" I say. "Are you mad at me?" I asked. I was wondering because I said not right now when he tried to take off my dress. He looks surprised, almost shocked. "Why on earth would I be mad at you? You have given me the best day I've had in a long time. You told me that there's a chance we could have kids!" He said sincerely. "Are you sure? Because when you tried to take my dress off I told you not right now." I replied. "No! If you say no, that means no. It's your beautiful, stunning body." Leo has a way of making me feel on top of the world.

We arrived home soon, I felt so much more sure of myself. Leo and I had some food and went upstairs. We changed and both got into bed together. I noticed that his hands were on me, his lips inviting me in. We kissed, his hands got tangled in my hair but I didn't care. He pulled me closer, looking into my eyes. "I love you Alice." He whispered in my ear. "I love you more Leo Mackenzie."

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