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The day that he walked into my house, I was stopped dead by his looks. He had come from a neighboring town to look for work. He came to my father, one of the richest men in this side of the country. I could tell that he has come a long way in life and he knew what he was doing. Of course no one cared what I thought because I'm just a silly little girl. Or so that's what my father and his friends think.

I, Millie Foster, were making tea for my mother when there was a knock at the door. I opened it, standing there was a handsome young man. His name was Brandon Myer. I opened the door and looked at him for a few seconds. "Are you going to let me in? Or should I stand in the doorway looking at the pretty women who opened the door? He said with a sly smile. I turned so red that you would have been able to see it a mile away.

"Yes of course you can come in, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting." I say in a small voice. It was his turn to blush. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I just-. I cut him off saying "It's ok, come on in. My father is in the back room." I walked away before he or I could say anything else. "Who was at the door, Millie?" My mother asked when I walked into the kitchen. "Oh, it was a young man asking to see father. Probably to be the teacher for me." Then it clued in, he was going to be my teacher! He is the only semi -attractive person I've ever met!

"Millie, are you sick? You've gone awfully pale suddenly." I felt my insides turn to ice, I couldn't feel attracted to my teacher! "Yes, Mother. I don't feel the best right now. Would it be ok if I went to my room to lay down for a little while?" I said it in a way that made me sound like I was going to be sick any second now.

I walked up the stairs, still feeling like I was going to die on the spot. I looked back down the stairs to see if he was there but he wasn't. I felt disappointed that he wasn't there, but also kind of relieved.

I ran through the doorway, into my room and to the window. I heard the door close so that must mean that he is leaving. My room has a window that overlooks the front of our house. I got to the window to watch him leave. He stops, turns around and looks at our house. I move from the window but not before he sees me.

He turns a bright red and continues walking away. My heart flutters but I ignore it. Suddenly there's a knock at the door, I run and jump into bed. Pretending to be feeling sick I answer the door. "Millie, I found a teacher for you. He is a promising young man with a promising education. You know that I will only have the best for you." Before I can say thanks he walks out of the room.

My father is the kind of father who is always at home but he is absent in our family. He is always 'working' on something new that he has to leave town for, or he is at home but stuck up in his office. He has never once told me that he loves me or complimented me on anything. I don't even know him all that well anyway. I'm just a silly little girl to him. He says he wants the best for me, but he only wants it because it will make him look like he is a good father.

My mother on the other hand is the kindest, most loving human I've ever met. She looks like me with long blonde hair and golden brown hair. When she smiles her face lights up the room. I can tell her anything and she will listen without judgment at all. I love her with my whole heart.

I want an education so that I can get a good job and leave this place forever. I don't have any siblings and my only company is my mom and the books that I love to read.

There was another knock at the door moments later.

My mom sticks her head in my room."Millie? Honey, are you feeling better? I was worried about you." She was as beautiful as ever. "Yes, I got really dizzy really fast that's all. I feel much better now." The look of concern leaves her face. I can tell that she is glad that I'm ok. "Your father came to tell me the news about the new teacher. That's great." She says in a false cheery voice. My mother and fathers love isn't what it used to be.

Back when they were young and in love my dad didn't work as much as he does now. They have grown apart but divorce would ruin my father's reputation so they stay together. Plus if my parents separated I would have to live with my father, and he treats me as an object rather than a person. The same way he treats my mom now. I know the only reason that she stays is because of me. And sometimes when I am up late at night thinking about that it kills me that she has to put up with his crap because of me.

My mom does so much for me, I am so proud of her and I love her like crazy.

"Yes it's fantastic, I can't wait to learn more about other places, And I want to learn about mathematics. That subject is so hard for me to understand by myself." I have been puzzled over math for a long time. "I have to start dinner soon, is there anything special you want?" She asks. "I don't think so." I reply with a sly grin. She knows exactly what I want. "Ok, ok! I'll make you cornbread." Mom gets up and leaves the room with a grin. I decided to follow her, then there was a knock at the door. Again.

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