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"You better tell me that they heard wrong or you're about to be a dead man" I growled still having this prick by the throat
I knew I should be running after Riley but Kyle has that covered, right now I need to find out what he did 

"I didn't do anything she didn't want" He said with the dirtiest smirk on his face, my hands tightened around his neck while the other formed a fist
"At what point did you think she wanted it?" I asked letting my free hand come forward making a firm contact with his cheek

"When she cried out?" I asked with another punch
"When she pushed you away" I continued throwing another punch 

"James!" A voice said making me glance over slightly to see Kyle stood there
"Do not go all dark James right now, Riley needs you" He said making me close my eyes taking a deep breath in 

"She needs you, you can beat this guy up later" Kyle said making me nod instantly dropping Nathan to the floor grabbing Riley's bag as I left


Kyle made it evident that Riley was no longer in the building and had lost track of her in the process of following her
There could have been multiple places she could be
She could be at home
She could be at our house
She could be at the beach house 

But if I know Ri, how I know Riley.. There is only one person she'll be 

I walked up the small hill only to see Riley huddled up by the tree, this place holds a lot of meaning to Riley
When this place first started becoming apparent in our lives it would be where all of our parents would meet up when we were a lot younger

It's the main place Riley and her Mum would spend time together 

Of course she would be here right now 

"Ri" I said making Riley instantly jump, she didn't look up from her hands she just sat with her back up against the tree completely covering herself by huddling over into a small ball

I went over to sit next to her but the moment my arm made contact with her she jumped trying to push my away
"Riley, it's me" I whispered but it didn't matter she continued to move away..

That's when it dawned on me, I sighed moving closer. Close enough that she knew I was there but not too close that it made her uncomfortable
"I'm here okay? I'll be here for as long as you need Ri" I whispered 

She didn't say anything but at the same time, she didn't need to. I wanted to know what she was thinking, I couldn't imagine what she was feeling but the biggest thing she needed to know right now was that I was staying, I wasn't going anywhere

After a little while of just sitting in silence, Riley broke it with the smallest of whispered

"I cheated on you" She whispered making me turn to look at her only to see her brown eyes filled with worry 

"No Ri, you didn't" I said, I opened my arms making Riley look at me before biting her lip but sure enough in a matter of seconds she was engulfed into my arms, her legs around my torso while her head was buried into my neck as I leant back against the tree

"What happened this evening was in no way your fault, nor did you cheat Ri" I whispered stroking her hair gently 

"He kissed me and I tried to push him away, I tried to get out of his grip. I don't even know how I ended up in that position, I swear I would never do that James" Riley cried into the crock of my neck, I pulled her as close as I could before continuing to stroke her hair

"I know Ri, I know" I cooed as I felt her breathing slowly come back to a steady pace 

She pulled away to look at me, I've never seen Riley this broken, this hurt, this upset and I would have loved to have never seen this. Riley would never deserve to feel like this 
And that boy should count his blessings right now. If I ever see him again. He's a dead man 

And that's a promise 

"I would never" Riley said looking up at me again, I cupped her cheek nodding placing our foreheads together
"I know you wouldn't Peanut" I said making her smile slightly at the use of her old nickname 

She looked at me again before slowly leaning forward to press our lips together, something I could tell she needed more then she'd admit right now

"I love you" I reminded her as we pulled away
"I love you too" She whispered before cuddling into my chest again

Nobody should ever have had the chance to do this to her and I'll make it my life goal to make sure it never happens again. 

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