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It's been a pretty calm couple of weeks, no run ins with James. He's certainly moved on to his newest notch on his belt
There was Tessa
Oh don't forget the return of Natalie
"I still can't believe he's like this" Kyle said as we sat in the living room
Dad was away for business so I was crashing with them for the weekend but Deborah and Piper were also out of town, leaving me with the boys

"Yo Dorks, you need to stay at Riley's tonight" James said walking in with his arm around a girl
"Why?" Kyle asked 
"I'm throwing a party, you two aren't coming" He said 
"Why not?" Kyle questioned
"Let me rephrase. Riley isn't coming and you two are sort of a package deal" James said making Kyle look at me while I rolled my eyes
"I'm coming" I said standing up

"No no you're not" James said following me through the house
"Let her come James, what's the worst that'll happen?" Kyle chuckled
"Oh I don't know, someone drugs her, hurts her? God Kyle I thought you gave a shit" James said getting evidently annoyed
"I'm coming" i said calmly before grabbing Kyle arm dragging him upstairs with me 

"Since when was he this protective?" Kyle asked laying on my bed
"I don't know but it's annoying right?" I said and Kyle shrugged
"I mean, he's always seen you as a little sister so it makes sense he's protective. I'm sure when Piper is of your age, he'll do the same to her" He explained and I rolled my eyes
"well I'm putting an end to it and this party is just the first step" I smirked making Kyle chuckle my way 


It didn't take long for the night to take over Saturday and for a bunch of teenagers to fill this house, it was clear that the party was more then already started 
"Christ Riley" Kyle chuckled opening my door after I had finished getting ready
"What?" I asked 
"Stop dressing like a damn girl, some guys are gonna catch the hint" He chuckled making me roll my eyes as we headed downstairs

 As soon as I get to the bottom of the stairs I catch James' eye, his smirk he had from whatever the red head in front of him said shifted completely when he saw me
His expression was more shocked taken back as he attempted to come over but I shook my head taking Kyle's arm walking out into the garden, leaving him with whatever girl he's using tonight

"you do look pretty" A voice said as I stood at the sidelines watching Kyle try and shoot his shot
I turned gently to see Nathan coming over to stand by me
"Thanks" I replied pushing my hair out of my face
"I'm surprised to see you here" He said and I chuckled
"I practically live here" i replied with a playful scoff
"Yeah that is a valid point" He laughed

"I meant that I'm surprised you were given permission" He said making me look over at James who eyes were still drawn to me while he sat on the kitchen counter
"I don't need permission. James is just all talk" I warned him breaking the eye contact to shift to Nathan
"Hmm all talk? Does that mean if I was to ask you to dance, I wouldn't get murdered?" He asked and I smiled
"Try it and find out" I smiled

"Would you like to dance Riley?" Nathan asked, I glanced over at James once more seeing him glare at my every move
"I'd love to" I said taking Nathan's hand as we merged into the crowd
James wouldn't have been able to see me now from where he was and maybe that was a good thing 

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