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I swear the school year always comes around faster then summer does, it's like we spent this entire year praying for summer then the moment is comes around it's gone in a blink of an eye
This time frame just isn't fair at all 
"What are you wearing?" Kyle laughed as I headed to the car
"Don't start please. Dad didn't order me school trousers so I'm stuck with skirts until they come in" I muttered covering my face in embarrassment

We pulled up to school to see everyone we grew up in their usual spots 
You have the blondes fawning over the football players
Our favourite book nerds sat by the trees 
And of course, James is by his motorbike with his pick of the week

"Ready to smash this?" Kyle asked and I rolled my eyes nodding getting out the car
The moment I got out, I felt all eyes shift on to me, reminding me on my unusual attire
"That's going to take some time to get used to" Kyle laughed as we started to walk towards the building
We didn't get very far before I was being catcalled making Kyle turn around in his protective nature
"Ignore it Ki" I warned him making him look at me sighing before nodding

We continued to walk until I felt someone hands grab my ass making me instantly jump. I turned around to see Mason stood there with a dirty smirk on his face
"Someone got hot over summer" He said licking his lips. That was enough to push Kyle over the edge. He pushed Mason away, just enough to make sure he didn't come fighting back
"Oh yeah Kyle you want to go?" Mason asked trying to get a reaction out of Kyle but I grabbed his arm giving him the look signalling not to

"now back to my original point Riley" he smirked but before either of us could respond someone had punched Mason straight to the floor before jumping on top of him
"James!" I yelled grabbing his shoulder but it didn't make a difference
I was able to control when Kyle got angry but this was a side of James I hadn't seen
"fucking touch her, or speak to her again and you're dead meat" James cursed getting off of Kyle
"James! Office! Now!" The headteacher said making an appearance, I looked to James a little concerned but all he did was chuckle before grabbing his back following Mr Daniels 


My entire morning has been sent sharing looks from people I had never noticed before but my biggest concern was the fact James had gotten into trouble because of me
"Hey" I said making him turn to look at me while we stood at his locker
"Missing me already peanut?" He smirked and I rolled my eyes
"How much trouble did you get into?" i asked earning a look from James as he chuckled
"Oh she cares about me" He teased making me slump back against the locker next to him

"It doesn't matter how much trouble I got into Peanut. I'd do it all over again if I had to" He said and I nodded
"you're protective over girls. Shocker" I said making him chuckle before bopping my nose
"I'd do it again for you if I had to" He said before leaving me 
I watched as he smirked his way through the corridor winking and girls here and there but ultimately keeping to himself

"There you are" Kyle said coming out of his Chem lesson
"Uh hey" I said finally breaking contact with the figure of James
"you good Riles?" he chuckled and I nodded finally coming out of my daze state and turning to Kyle
"I heard James got detention for his little fight" Kyle said as we continued to walk the halls
To my dismay we had to pass James all over again except this time he was a little brunette locker
"Yeah?" I asked and Kyle nodded
"What a way to start the year. Mum will go ballistic"Kyle chuckled as soon as James made eye contact with me winking at me before turning back to the girl 

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